Dr. Veda P

Dr Veda P, a seasoned pathologist with 25 years in government hospitals, offers an intimate look at the human toll of COVID-19 in her compelling debut. Passionate about changing our relationship with nature and animals to avert future pandemics, she combines scientific acumen with heartfelt experience. Beyond the microscope, Dr Veda P is also a student of behavioural psychology and a connoisseur of Carnatic and Hindustani music. Her debut work serves as an urgent appeal for sustainable, compassionate choices in a world vulnerable to viral threats.Read More...


The Contagion Conundrum

Books by Dr. Veda P

Embark on an extraordinary exploration with an author who traverses both the hidden corridors of zoonotic diseases and the personal landscapes of a lifelong quest for understanding. Through meticulous research and heartfelt reflection, the author guides readers through the treacherous terrains of pandemics, from the devastation of COVID-19 to the shadowy threat of Virus X.

This is more than a tale of viruses; it’s a profound exploration of our relatio

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