Dr. Vinita Goyel, Dr. Aman Jain, Dr. Shivani Mathur, Dr. Vinod Sachdev

Dr. Vinita Goyel is currently working as a Senior Resident in Pediatric Dentistry, residing in Ghaziabad. Her areas of interest are Prenatal Counseling and Preventive Dentistry. She is passionate about Pediatric Dentistry and currently undertaking various research projects. Her inclination toward providing knowledge regarding oral care for young mothers and to-be mothers motivated her to go through with this book. Dr. Aman Jain is a Senior Resident of Pediatric Dentistry, residing in New Delhi. As a Pediatric Dentist, he observed that improper knowledge and certain beliefs exist in expecting Read More...


A Mother's Guide to Prenatal and Postnatal Dental Care

Books by Dr. Vinita Goyel, Dr. Aman Jain, Dr. Shivani Mathur, Dr. Vinod Sachdev

The book is intended to guide you through the most amazing and incredible journey called Motherhood from a dentist’s perspective, an area often ignored. Being a mother is not an easy job, but definitely the best job anyone could ever have. We take you through this beautiful journey, focusing on the areas of child development often ignored.

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