Vibhushi Patwa

Writing found Vibhushi Patwa four years ago. After witnessing the highest highs of love and the lowest lows, she admires how love can be as ugly as it can be beautiful. Living through contradicting thoughts on love, she ignited the readers to feel the same through her first published short story, The Night We Met Again, which had the power to pour into some cracked hearts and break a few others. At 23, she’s a writer for a US-based IT company, Quacito LLC, and a head coordinator at an Early Childhood Development Centre, EuroKids, in Indore. She makes many broken and blooming hearts bleedRead More...


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Breadcrumbs Fried in Love

Books by Vibhushi Patwa

Amelia Brown is willing to do anything to make it stop, this feeling that hurts like an entire battlefield inside her. The plan is in action when a magnetizing stranger, Ethan Garcia, holds her hand as they rush her to the hospital. The unjustified tears in his hazel eyes are poetry to Amelia. This is the first time she thinks there might just be another way to end her suffering. For a minute, Amelia’s drooling heart forgets that it’s already been

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