Vinod Khurana

“Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.” - Robert Frost The author began his career as an engineer and earned a master's degree in business administration. He then transitioned into public administration and completed an M.Phil in social sciences. After retiring from his career as a civil servant, he began writing poetry, a pursuit unrelated to his educational and professional background. What started as a hobby become a passion. He wrote poems for ten years before deciding to publish them. This is his second book, with his first being published reRead More...


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Heat and Light

Books by Vinod Khurana

Less said, the better. The meaning is in the unsaid spaces.

Flowers bloom—some daily, some late, and some take decades. A late bloomer reveals hidden secrets. These poems, written with an open mind and heart, explore themes of friendship, nature, the human spirit and much more. Taken together, they inspire deeply and make lives productive and useful.

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