Indian Army
By Harshil Joshi in Poetry | Reads: 615 | Likes: 0
बस आखरी बार                  अपने गांव की गलियों में घूमना चाहता था  बस आखरी बार                 अपने   Read More...
Published on Jun 14,2020 03:20 PM
Migrant's Pain
By Harshil Joshi in Poetry | Reads: 409 | Likes: 0
खडा था इन तपती सड़क पर अकेले,अपने घर अपने गाँव से दूर मेरे अपनो से दूर, आँखो मे आँसू थे पेट मे भूख थी और शरीर मे थकान पर  Read More...
Published on Jun 14,2020 03:25 PM
Tu ane tari vato....(You and your amazing conversation)
By Harshil Joshi in True Story | Reads: 406 | Likes: 0
On one random day surfing my Facebook found my school classmate online so sent few messages to her after a small conversation i asked her number so we can chat on whatsApp someday,never thought that this little conversation will go so longer and story started with just simple and random hi will make  Read More...
Published on Jun 14,2020 03:33 PM
By Nidhi Bothra in Romance | Reads: 579 | Likes: 0
जरा इधर आओ, सुनो मेरा दिल कहता है कि  अपने दोनो हाथो मे तुम्हारा चेहरा लेकर देखा देखु कि तुम्हारी दोनो आखों मै कौन   Read More...
Published on Jun 14,2020 03:42 PM
By Namrata Dev in Poetry | Reads: 444 | Likes: 0
Beyond every tear and every heart break and between every smile and every 'in love' phase there always exists a sequential arrangement of random fortunate, unfortunate events forming the cosmic concept of life and when the life force slowly fades and the balance in between fails, tumbling backwards   Read More...
Published on Jun 14,2020 04:34 PM
Gone with the wind
By Namrata Dev in Poetry | Reads: 427 | Likes: 0
Him and I kept mirrors all around  the house, for every time one of us is home  when the other isn't, we wont be lonely got the reflection's company, we would talk for hours up till 9 pm in the yellow flowered balcony with cold wind's kisses and then head to bed cause the 9 to 5 waits ahe  Read More...
Published on Jun 14,2020 04:37 PM
A Plea
By Roshni in Poetry | Reads: 266 | Likes: 0
Many a time, my faith falters, In my beliefs and idols of tranquillity; And I stand numb and terrified always Of a world stripped of humanity.   We’ve touched the seas and skies, Travelled far and wide, gained much; Still, we’re helpless of the trillion losses, That surrounds us pre  Read More...
Published on Jun 14,2020 05:02 PM
That hot chilling summer
By Neha Jain in Poetry | Reads: 274 | Likes: 0
That hot chilling summer… Feels like head below hammer.. Takes me back to my childhood.. Feeling like why I am in adulthood.. That hide and seek with cousins.. Were good than this robotic sins.. Sleeping five of us in two floor bed.. Was more fun than "me" in double bed.. That summer had   Read More...
Published on Jun 14,2020 05:31 PM
By snigdha jain in Humour & Comedy | Reads: 348 | Likes: 0
I used to see this old man sitting on the same park bench every day. I have a habit of going on a walk every morning at 7:00 a.m. the morning gives me happiness with all its brightness and shine. The chirping sounds of the birds, is the most calming thing in the world. The green colour of the trees   Read More...
Published on Jun 14,2020 06:43 PM
You are what you eat
By Anand in Supernatural | Reads: 506 | Likes: 0
It is all pure, organic,farm produced and directly procured from the farmers directly without any middleman. Our products are not only healthy but also categorised to suit individual lifestyles. This nutrition chart maps your body constitution through pancha kosha diagonostics and provide you the be  Read More...
Published on Jun 14,2020 07:32 PM
Love Sites
By Purvi in Poetry | Reads: 1,137 | Likes: 0
On the hammock, Under the full moon, My lover reads to me.. From the clear night sky, Out of nowhere, it pours, And we dance in the rains.. In the garden, A candlelight dinner we enjoy, Followed by Tiramisu.. On the crescent moon, We sit again, Sip coconut waters.. Under the starry sky,  We  Read More...
Published on Jun 14,2020 07:41 PM
A Dark Tale of Innocence
By Tanu Bhalla in True Story | Reads: 521 | Likes: 0
Doors bashing, winds gusting, and a heart overflowing with fright – She was seven. So much of emotive devastation for a child to carry- Isn’t it? But that’s exactly how the reality beheld for her.   Childhood days, undoubtedly, carry a trace of ecstasy. But things never s  Read More...
Published on Jun 14,2020 08:05 PM
By Rehas Sachdeva in Poetry | Reads: 437 | Likes: 0
I bathed in you Then I slept with you. You were still there when I woke up. Bewildering me with your persistence Distracting me with your shooting skills Killing my desire to eat or talk, You made quite a disaster.   Many attempts at chasing you away Only managed to discourage your strength You  Read More...
Published on Jun 14,2020 08:34 PM
I've loved you enough
By A.N.luna in Poetry | Reads: 285 | Likes: 0
I've loved you enough To let you walk in my heaven Along with your angels Along with you demons. I've loved you enough To burn myself and Ignite the light You once said to me "I'm afraid of dark nights!". I've loved you enough To replete your broken and voided holes With the pieces of my heart Wit  Read More...
Published on Jun 14,2020 09:21 PM
By Surya Nair in True Story | Reads: 362 | Likes: 0
LEND A HAND I've been an introvert all my life.  I teach children for a living.  As far as I can walk down the memory lane, I can remember being reclusive. I like observing details, the way people behave, what motivates them and their general disposition. However, it ha  Read More...
Published on Jun 14,2020 09:22 PM