
Inner joy of the holy tuned vibes
By Bishakha Dewyani in Supernatural | Reads: 363 | Likes: 0
On the night,            Life felt alive wherein surrounding felt silenced to the inner insight as it has nothing to say nothing to hide ,life is the open book to right a journey of  its existence,when hope rised high to the greater vibe ,holding the love on arms o  Read More...
Published on Apr 21,2020 02:31 AM
By Ango Aparna in True Story | Reads: 530 | Likes: 2
Wow......amazing to see the one whos reading this have got a gender...but did u ever wonder there are certain spieces out there born as a gender op's so called male and female and when they finally grow doesnt seem to get features what were expected out from them..sad right do you ever wonder whats   Read More...
Published on Apr 21,2020 03:24 AM
Seasons Change
By Mitali Ambre in Poetry | Reads: 457 | Likes: 6
SEASONS CHANGE New chapter of life begins,  like new year of seasons, People change their way from yours,  like the climate change its phrases, Nature's abundant blessings,  who taught everything with laws, Like sun goes down at night but arise at every morning, Like wise release sorr  Read More...
Published on Apr 21,2020 03:33 AM
Welcome to a new decade rising mankind days
By Bishakha Dewyani in Supernatural | Reads: 1,361 | Likes: 0
In this time ,at this moment  Time frozed, life arose to lead to the greater doors, New thought breed in* let the land grow kind into the seeding time* traveling into the world to know mankind* Work to unity ,rising through beauty Land to freedom ,love in respect * aim the season to grow deep t  Read More...
Published on Apr 21,2020 05:22 AM
Cozy Place at Home
By Padmini in General Literary | Reads: 843 | Likes: 2
It was a cold morning. Amy was still in bed, all tucked in, checking her phone. Ah, how she loved her room, her bed, her blanket, the air gently brushing her face. Her room was her temple. It had everything she needed: her books, her stationery, her clothes and shoes. But most importantly, it had he  Read More...
Published on Apr 21,2020 08:17 AM
Mentalscape in lockdown!!
By deepika kochhar bhalla in General Literary | Reads: 606 | Likes: 0
Conversationally starved, mentally stagnated;their lives unglued by bleak future and careers and studies thrown in limbo by the lockdown! The young adult the 18-26 year olds, the so called future to our country are struggling with a lockdown mental state as well and the situation seems grim ! Days b  Read More...
Published on Apr 21,2020 09:21 AM
I'm Fine
By Apoorva Vishnuvajhala in Poetry | Reads: 679 | Likes: 16
I am surrounded by people Laughing and talking But soon they will leave  And no one will be watching Laughing on the outside My eyes don’t shine Crying on the inside I tell them I’m fine Even when they ask It doesn’t seem like they care But they don’t know how I feel S  Read More...
Published on Apr 21,2020 10:42 AM
Pain which she feels
By Shweta in Poetry | Reads: 246 | Likes: 0
Pain which she feels sometime at night 2'o clock..and suddenly she wakes up! Wondering why doesn't this pain go away! Is this pain long last or forever exist; Is this pain comes with the promise?  Or Promise of Breaking her into fragments; This pain without a Messiah? Pain, Like a devil attacki  Read More...
Published on Apr 21,2020 10:52 AM
By Preeti in Poetry | Reads: 253 | Likes: 0
We are given a PAUSE A lesson to be learnt. We have a chance To be, who we weren't. Let us relearn And not replay. Our alter ego song On repeat mode everyday. Mindful consumption of food for body And food for thought. Clarity of the same Still the battle is not lost. Reflection on simplicity D  Read More...
Published on Apr 21,2020 10:56 AM
By Saara in Poetry | Reads: 648 | Likes: 1
I know you wanna flee I request you,  And, it's my only plea  Darkness today  Will be a bright tomorrow Believe, and never astray  The hardest  Will bring you the glory It is a history in worlds story Covid 19 has killed many  It's so tiny  Yet so brainy  It's  Read More...
Published on Apr 21,2020 12:09 PM
Of Seasons
By Sanoobar in Romance | Reads: 361 | Likes: 3
Was he out of his mind! All that time spent talking endlessly and this is where he gets me. I wanted to make a run for it. What in me, all singing, poetry reciting, book loving, slow dancing and star gazing me, gave him the idea that I would want to be here. In a teen to semi adult crowded pub blast  Read More...
Published on Apr 21,2020 12:28 PM
Of Shadows
By Sanoobar in Romance | Reads: 294 | Likes: 3
I stood there. Looking straight at him. At the door of his room. A tear held tightly at the rim of my eye. Stay in. Stay in. Don’t you dare flow down. I was stubborn. What did he expect. I wasn’t into rows. Not on his territory. With his mom, dad and sister and her kids sleeping soundly   Read More...
Published on Apr 21,2020 12:46 PM
By karishma in True Story | Reads: 856 | Likes: 1
❤prakashians❤ So here i am going to narrate a story. It's about the journey of students of 9th standard. Here we go.. Okay! So the title given to this story is prakshians it's because our class teacher's name was prakash sir ( omg i still don't know his surname  Read More...
Published on Apr 21,2020 01:32 PM
An open letter
By Pixel Words in General Literary | Reads: 307 | Likes: 1
An open letter to self Yes I know you had too many dreams in your eyes you spoke to yourself about. You looked up to the moon as in you wanted to own it. You looked up in the sky and wished so badly to paint it with your favourite colors. You always wondered why Mom loved your elder sister more  Read More...
Published on Apr 21,2020 03:26 PM
By Colonel Dr Ramanan Duraiswami in Poetry | Reads: 414 | Likes: 0
THE LONG AND LONELY PATH For four long weeks India locked down, Every city, every village, every town. The eerie silence all around, Was louder than any raucous sound. Impounded each within their houses, Even the calmest turned into grouses. The drudgery of household chores, Became a never ending bo  Read More...
Published on Apr 21,2020 03:26 PM