
The cost of mistakes
By Barnali Basu in Thriller | Reads: 1,128 | Likes: 0
She stared at the email message on her computer. Just three lines, but enough to make her life--the life she’d worked so hard and sacrificed so much to build--begin to crumble around her. Rangoli Mitra Roll No.12114, Obstetrics and Gynecology Theory 198/400, Practical 215/400 Fails   The   Read More...
Published on May 13,2020 09:22 PM
By Staeny Suthan in General Literary | Reads: 265 | Likes: 1
                                                                                 UNNOTICED &nbs 
Published on May 3,2020 09:00 PM
Gray scales
By Shreya M K in General Literary | Reads: 402 | Likes: 1
I woke up to the sound of silence. Even though I hadn't been asleep for hours now. My eyes lit up and my heart skipped a beat as I let the quiet consume me and become one with it, which tasted rather bittersweet. Drowning in the pool of sweat I had created under me, as I twisted more into the blank  Read More...
Published on May 3,2020 09:16 PM
The tale of two cities
By subhadra kunduri in Fantasy | Reads: 565 | Likes: 3
The tale of two cities The wood-wide web was buzzing.  A new series of rootline interactions was being announced. A leading  rootwork telecaster was getting prominent plantizens from two cities for plant-versations.  Preparations were going on full swing.  The root-espondents, &  Read More...
Published on May 3,2020 09:27 PM
My Woman's Story
By Umme Kulsum in Romance | Reads: 283 | Likes: 0
We meet up at our balconies. It’s almost midnight. I had a bad day. We need to talk. I need to talk. ‘I did the dishes today. There was this one iron pot. I finished a quarter bottle of soap, scrubbing it enough and got calluses on my fingers..,’ she says. Now she’s showing   Read More...
Published on May 3,2020 09:40 PM
By Isha Shah in True Story | Reads: 554 | Likes: 0
Locked within walls, Freezed in monotony, Irked with the happenings, And a sense of helplessness, Shoes are in dust, Keys are in rust, Emotions are unknown, Frustration is guiding them all, Trapped is the feeling, Freedom is what is seeked, Deep within I'm struggling, Yet, my lips are smiling, New s  Read More...
Published on May 3,2020 09:47 PM
Eve Teased
By Sweta Singh in Poetry | Reads: 686 | Likes: 3
An early day of winter When our chemistry class was called off, Our teacher had burned her hands in the lab And we like some sadists rejoiced To spend the rest of the day doing something odd.   So, I took the bike I seized from my brother And went on a ride with my best friend. This w  Read More...
Published on May 3,2020 09:49 PM
Sherlock Holmes is still here
By Sujal jain in Crime | Reads: 329 | Likes: 0
It was a dark night, wind blew violently, and yes, Bruno, a man inspired by Sherlock Holmes, was performing the task his guru did. He was monitoring at a portrait, and he felt that a truth was hidden in it. He wanted to know the fantasy behind it. Suddenly, he noticed a droplet of blood on the case   Read More...
Published on May 3,2020 10:02 PM
Here and now
By Aamir in Poetry | Reads: 412 | Likes: 1
Dream of tomorrow, be lost in the past Wonder about what, when and how But along with all of these uncertainties Celebrate the here and now  Read More...
Published on May 3,2020 10:06 PM
Here and now
By Aamir in Poetry | Reads: 402 | Likes: 1
Dream of tomorrow, be lost in the past Wonder about what, when and how But along with all of these uncertainties Celebrate the here and now  Read More...
Published on May 3,2020 10:07 PM
By Meenakshi Arora in Poetry | Reads: 985 | Likes: 10
My life was in rush With no peaceful mind Stress & tension Swallowing my time Burdens & burdens in every part Pains filling heart No time to enjoy Everything making me annoy 24x7 thinking of goals & success  I on Was wondering in this whole world where is the happiness?  Then o  Read More...
Published on May 3,2020 10:17 PM
Creative block
By Smriti Sharma in Poetry | Reads: 249 | Likes: 0
I don’t want to write today, I want to lie down on open green fields and watch the amorphous fluffy clouds pass by  Sketch a mental picture of animals May be an elephant, a hen, or a  horse.  Admire the sunset on a sultry evening Purple and a tinge of orange red in the horizon H  Read More...
Published on May 3,2020 10:24 PM
By Eleena Sanyal Banerji in Thriller | Reads: 706 | Likes: 1
His head bobbed on the waves. It shone in the golden light of the sun setting over the horizon. He was too far away. As always. He never listened. He could swim but oceans were meant to swallow. She was a better swimmer yet she feared going that far inside. The coast guard's shrill whistle pierced h  Read More...
Published on May 3,2020 10:50 PM
Hello! Corona. Would you tell me who you really are?
By Kirk Louis Jacob in General Literary | Reads: 641 | Likes: 2
Hello! corona.  Would you tell me who you really are?  So, corona - covid19 - who do you think you are? A prophet of doom? A plague? A contagious deadly virus?  Do you dare to say you have been sent by a God of love?  Are you here to teach us a fundamental human lesson which our  Read More...
Published on May 3,2020 11:47 PM
Remember Me
By Nikhat Parween in Romance | Reads: 360 | Likes: 2
I tried not to wipe the sweat on my palm on my white pants. Interviews make me so nervous especially when it’ll be broadcasted nation-wide. “Tell us Ianna, who was your muse behind another smashing hit ‘Remember Me’?.” My interviewer questioned in his deep throaty voic  Read More...
Published on May 4,2020 12:00 AM