Thank You!
By Preeti Agrawal in Poetry | Reads: 373 | Likes: 2
Thank You!  It's something between me and you All you have to say a heartfelt thank you.  No boundaries and no argue, with the love due Mention it with due respect, words maybe few A deep commitment springs from a thank you.  No matter what is old and what is new, just be We are never  Read More...
Published on Jun 23,2020 08:32 PM
Thought of the day
By KEERRTHI VASAN in General Literary | Reads: 372 | Likes: 2
To Earthians, The co-earthian of our earth. We haven't experienced this globally before.But some of our companions have experienced intergalactic warlands and natural calamities partly. We can donate money,food and necessary things. But this all cannot alone  recover anyone . Inner feeling the   Read More...
Published on Mar 25,2020 02:03 PM
Why did i cry?
By Tanishka Monde in Poetry | Reads: 372 | Likes: 0
He asked me why did i cry"He's leaving" to me said my heartI wanted you to be forever But soon you were going apartMy brain said" He's stuck here"Getting you out of there was something I wanted to doBut i knew it was difficult Cause i couldnt imagine a day without youMy eyes said "He's the prettiest  Read More...
Published on Mar 31,2020 10:04 AM
Definitely One Day
By Honey rao .j in True Story | Reads: 372 | Likes: 0
It was 3'o clock naina's phone rangs for 4 times at that she was in library so that she didn't picked up the call after coming she return back the call kirthan was quite angry at her and asked why she didn't picked the call she said that she was busy and understood he was angry at her and slowly wit  Read More...
Published on Apr 1,2020 04:45 PM
The Dream Chapter
By Sohini in Poetry | Reads: 372 | Likes: 0
Hey, do you know There's a platform 9 and 3/4, Where I am waiting, The train's about to come, And I am waiting to grab your hand  And step onto it. Forget our names, 'Cause today its Hogwarts, Nothing else. No ones going to know who we are. And let's forget who we are, Let's run away, I your We  Read More...
Published on Apr 1,2020 10:10 PM
By Haribabu E in Fantasy | Reads: 372 | Likes: 0
Ragini, 30, a married software engineer,  suddenly woke up, awe stuck, to dreadful hissing sounds of winds, rain and thunders out side their house. There was pitch darkness around and nothing was clearly visible.  She understood, it could be mid of night. Sky was roaring with thunders and   Read More...
Published on Apr 2,2020 06:27 PM
Peas In a Pod
By Aparna Chandrashekar in Romance | Reads: 372 | Likes: 1
Peas in a Pod “Not today!’ Meera said in an exasperated tone to her dad, Subbu ,quickly picking up her handbag and heading for the door. Her Mother was watching her with a plate of hot idlis in her hand. She was trying to persuade Meera to have a her breakfast at least, before leaving. M  Read More...
Published on Apr 2,2020 10:32 PM
By manshi in Fantasy | Reads: 372 | Likes: 1
I was in hurry to take my train and i left my jewelry box in the college ground.The universe always have stored something for everyone and here the gift for me . He called my name at the station and i turned back. That moment turned my life. I never noticed him in my college and he used to notice my  Read More...
Published on Apr 10,2020 08:50 PM
By Divya Rai in Poetry | Reads: 372 | Likes: 0
“No more regrets,  no more complaints, no expectations, no aspirations”, said to myself, when I entered into my room; Lights were off silence prevailed, the shrieking loneliness sung a mournful tale... I kept them off... In the moments of decision, self-realization, I saw a vision w  Read More...
Published on Apr 14,2020 08:43 AM
Frankies in a bin
By Neema Kumari in General Literary | Reads: 372 | Likes: 0
It was a hot steaming, cheesy, and lip-smacking Frankie. Wrapped carefully in butter paper, and a tissue paper, Sameer and Riya bought it after three hours of shopping in the mall. They stepped out of the mall, and it started raining. With no umbrella to take protection under, they stood near the ex  Read More...
Published on Apr 20,2020 11:38 PM
শত শব্দের গল্প
By pampa Paul in True Story | Reads: 372 | Likes: 0
"শত শব্দের গল্প"  এক ধনী ব্যবসায়ীর  বাড়ির একতলায় ভাড়া থাকে ভিনরাজ্য থেকে নার্সিং ট্রেনিং নিতে আসা  কয়েকজন তরু  Read More...
Published on Apr 21,2020 05:16 PM
The Earring
By Adarsh Pradeep in True Story | Reads: 372 | Likes: 1
“I am sure that I heard the sound of it when it hit the floor”, I said to my roommates as I frantically dug myself beneath the bed. “It should be here somewhere. Where else would it go”, said Shwetha, looking below the study table. It was December, Christmas holidays were beg  Read More...
Published on Apr 28,2020 07:16 PM
1945 A True Love Story
By Incredible Scribble in Romance | Reads: 372 | Likes: 0
It was all dusty, foggy and smokey too. Lahore became the hub of violence and ruined many lives in the wake of independence movement. Sharad was 10, he walked through the streets to meet his friend Suhail, but could not find him. Sharad was scared now that Suhail left Lahore without him. Both were o  Read More...
Published on May 3,2020 09:44 AM
By Aryan Shah in General Literary | Reads: 372 | Likes: 1
Defining something is never an easy task and if it's related to defining something related to someone's feelings or human emotions than it becomes a very tough task . How would you define love ? How would you see the bond between the two indivudials ? Is it easy to see the parental bond with the spe  Read More...
Published on May 14,2020 11:12 AM
One Cold Winter Day
By Arvind Sharma in General Literary | Reads: 372 | Likes: 0
One Cold Winter Day   It was snowing outside. He could sense the cold, although the room was warm and his body was also covered with warm clothes. We pushed his wheelchair nearer the window. He could see the white snowflakes falling on the ground with a soft thud. It was beautiful. He could im  Read More...
Published on May 16,2020 05:04 PM