The Tragedy of a Garden
By Manish Kumar in Poetry | Reads: 326 | Likes: 0
In a garden there were almost thirty trees. Four were of 2-3 years and rest were of more than ten years. One day the owner of the garden thought to extend his residence and thus clearing the garden was like hitting two targets with one arrow. Among the trees there were two mango, one neem and the re  Read More...
Published on May 31,2020 02:58 PM
And I became a butterfly freed from cocoon
By soumya sthitapragyan in General Literary | Reads: 326 | Likes: 0
Should I or should not !!! Finally the eesults of her international scholarship came for which she had sacrificed her all luxury pleasures .Excited to decide where to fly a text popped up reading it wasn't meant to be ended like this ,you can't leave me alone here ,I need u , please stay back ..And   Read More...
Published on Jun 3,2020 06:45 AM
Just start now
By Pragya bharti in Poetry | Reads: 326 | Likes: 0
Start to start something Feels like difficult than anything Strong will power, Focussed each hour, Makes it habit,can change your life, Stop imagining, & thinking now. Its time to make up your mind ,and fix all grieve.   Read More...
Published on Jun 18,2020 10:04 PM
The Realization
By Arpandeep kaur in Mystery | Reads: 326 | Likes: 0
I still remember that day, I woke up in a hurry and realized that I was already late for the office, I had breakfast in a hurry and reached the bus stand, lost in thought and anxiously waiting for the bus on one side. It was raining hard and when I opened my purse I hit my forehead because the phone  Read More...
Published on Jun 21,2020 02:11 AM
By Eesha Goyal in General Literary | Reads: 326 | Likes: 3
Why? Why hold on to something which has, hurt you, worn you, broken you down a million times? Why hold on when the other person has already left? why hold on if it's all agony and no pleasure? Why hold on if it doesn't make sense anymore? Why hold on if you aren't happy? Why hold on to the person o  Read More...
Published on Jun 21,2020 11:53 PM
What You want, and what you need...
By Veronika Sarafaraz in True Story | Reads: 326 | Likes: 1
Well, with it's title you might know what it is about.. But I say read it whole and then judge upon your life and others life... There is a major problem between all of us that is when we are trying to differ between needing and wanting. Half of the world is dying because of starving and half of th  Read More...
Published on Aug 8,2020 11:50 AM
Unspoken words...
By jaya in True Story | Reads: 325 | Likes: 2
It's so painful no? The words which are bowed down deep in our hearts that eventually they become too  heavy to carry .But saying everything that comes in our heart is not an easy task if it would have been so easy then no beautiful soul should have been  cried because of this burden.Every  Read More...
Published on Mar 24,2020 12:42 PM
So, my eyes have been peeled off!
By Anuska Choudhury in Poetry | Reads: 325 | Likes: 0
My sleep is made of glass, My dreams are of stones; Without a dint of my knowledge My tears merged with my bruises; So, my eyes have been peeled off!   First time I suffered loss was When I lost my dear kitty; That was too painful Too small I was to get back to my senses, Oh what a pity; So, my  Read More...
Published on Mar 24,2020 08:19 PM
It's weird
By Karthikeyan in True Story | Reads: 325 | Likes: 1
It's weird  I have never seen this city like this, roads are empty, shops are closed and dogs are ruling the streets. Everyone stuffed themselves inside their houses. People's eyes are filled with the fear of the virus It feels like I'm in the movie but I'm not, I can't respawn here Government   Read More...
Published on Mar 25,2020 01:56 PM
The unique proposal
By Mridula in Romance | Reads: 325 | Likes: 0
It was a beautiful eve!! Maybe not for jisha.. as it was raining heavily outside she wasn't able to go out to meet Mayur. He was calling her every now and then. Mayur try to understand mumy won't allow me to come right now said jisha over the call Fine then do watever you like and mayur disconnected  Read More...
Published on Mar 29,2020 05:54 PM
Dream Big
By Mitali in Poetry | Reads: 325 | Likes: 0
It's my dream to make world bow in front of me, Yeah it's different from your's, But that doesn't mean that i can't make it. Look down on me , I will prove you wrong. You will be my fan one day, It's ok if you hate me today. I have guts so i will be having glory, I will become a leagend , And you wi  Read More...
Published on Mar 31,2020 10:55 AM
Why did i cry?
By Tanishka Monde in Poetry | Reads: 325 | Likes: 0
He asked me why did i cry"He's leaving" to me said my heartI wanted you to be forever But soon you were going apartMy brain said" He's stuck here"Getting you out of there was something I wanted to doBut i knew it was difficult Cause i couldnt imagine a day without youMy eyes said "He's the prettiest  Read More...
Published on Mar 31,2020 10:04 AM
Letting Go..
By Bhadra Suresh in General Literary | Reads: 325 | Likes: 0
The stars outside seemed to be staring at him, as if they thought it was a sin too. He closed his eyes. He thought closing his eyes would make it easier. But it got worse. For now, the darkness inside him crawled before his eyes too. He held the plug tight. He knew it would only take a split second   Read More...
Published on Apr 3,2020 12:54 AM
My poetry
By Abhishek sharma in Poetry | Reads: 325 | Likes: 0
पलट कर देख लेते, वक़्त गुज़रा था, हम वहीं थे। मंजिल मिल गयी, मग़र , राहें , नज़ारे वहीं थे। कहीं भी जा पहुंचे ये ज़माना, ज़िंदग  Read More...
Published on Apr 8,2020 01:08 PM
By Nithya in Poetry | Reads: 325 | Likes: 0
Time lies in my debt from today, But I don't know how I'll be repaid. Tears aren't left in my eyes anymore, I've used up all the smiles I've stored.   Everything that happened between you and me, Is a reminder that love isn't free; It costs your heart, it costs your time, It costs you memories   Read More...
Published on Apr 11,2020 04:40 PM