शिला लेख में तू होगा
By Ambuj kumar Srivastav in Poetry | Reads: 637 | Likes: 1
शिला लेख में ख़ुद  ख़ुद कर  मै नाम तुम्हारा ख़ुद  अपने संग मै रख लूंगा इतिहास अगर मेरा होगा  तो शिला  में तू ह  Read More...
Published on Aug 26,2020 10:17 PM
Unapologetically resilient
By kavazhimomi in Poetry | Reads: 636 | Likes: 1
Distant eyes upon a homely face;We indulge in violence,yet long for peace.Promises disappears midway;We push far who wish to stay,yet drag close who runs astray.Forlorness remain subtle;we swirl around the phantom castle,and fly alone like an eagle.Innocence abused by life is far gone;We become as h  Read More...
Published on Mar 29,2020 07:33 PM
By Shraddha Anu Shekar in General Literary | Reads: 636 | Likes: 1
SURVIVE   There he was, writing.    He was relatively new to our community, where everyone knows everyone. Almost.   He showed up at the same time every day, including Sundays. On the dot. As if he were working in an office where he has to clock in and out. Courteous and tacitur  Read More...
Published on Mar 25,2020 03:54 PM
By Surendra Kumar Sagar in True Story | Reads: 636 | Likes: 0
      THE SITUATION .. CREATED BY COVID-19   The first and foremost requirement is to understand the nature of the virus. Is it from Bats? Is it a deliberate creation of a Biomedical weapon? Or was it an accidental creation of an `Agent of Destruction`?A friend of mine   Read More...
Published on May 12,2020 01:07 PM
Count Your Blessings
By LALITHA BALASUBRAMANIAN in Poetry | Reads: 636 | Likes: 1
My life seems to have gone for a toss, As I weather the present storm No morning alarm, no morning walk, No gobbling breakfast as per the norm No catching the train and reporting to the boss, No jaunt to the market, no tryst with friends, All I seem to be doing is creating a din As I wash and clang  Read More...
Published on Apr 5,2020 12:14 PM
Explanation of my Nature...
By yashika in Poetry | Reads: 636 | Likes: 5
Everybody says that I m a small child But they don't know just my Nature is mild My Nature is the thing which I need to explain Because I m the one about whom everybody complain I am not just good face to face I just need some space  But everytime I heard these things that's my fate I feel bad   Read More...
Published on Jun 6,2020 04:00 PM
The pink slip
By Anuradha Prashant in General Literary | Reads: 636 | Likes: 0
9:00 am, the stamping started. Thud Thud Thud… Blue circles around the wrinkled corners meant a job well begun. Well that was how Santhanam started his day rather every day for the last 24 years. Santhanam was the office peon. In hey days of babu (Bureaucracy) culture he had joined  Read More...
Published on Apr 24,2020 07:35 AM
By Udita Saroha in Poetry | Reads: 636 | Likes: 3
With the stroke of midnight hour We celebrate arrival of a novel 2020. Isn't the new year full of plans? Oh I will be a Globetrotter I will get my driver license I am so going to learn that new language The list is exhaustive. Some disrupting news doing rounds Some danger taking its ground. "Oh whe  Read More...
Published on Jun 3,2020 01:49 AM
A love story
By Mustafa tahir in True Story | Reads: 636 | Likes: 0
Once upon atime there was a gorgeous girl but She was handicapped . She was completing his graduation in collage we know she was not able to walk bus his mother everyday takes him to railway station. By nature she saw a boy who was also handsome but handicapped he loves that girl. She was so happy t  Read More...
Published on Mar 27,2020 03:14 PM
Mother Is A Gift From Earth
By Harshit Goyal (Lucifer) in Poetry | Reads: 636 | Likes: 1
Mother Is A Gift From Earth Mother is a gift from the Earth, Who is with us from our birth; She is not only a husband's wife, But also a shining sun to our life, She always does household chore, But never let her children bore. Mother takes all the pain, To let our life not be in vain; She is not on  Read More...
Published on May 10,2020 01:44 PM
चिड़िया की परेशानी
By Prakash Vishnoi in Poetry | Reads: 635 | Likes: 1
एक चिड़िया थी वह बहुत उच उड़ती , इधर उधर चहचहाती रहती | कभी इस टहनी पर कभी उस टहनी पर फुदकती रहती |पर उस चिड़िया की एक आदत थ  Read More...
Published on Mar 30,2020 07:14 PM
टूटा दिल
By Virgin Heart in Poetry | Reads: 635 | Likes: 1
मैं वो टूटा हुआ दिल हूं जो अगर  किसी को बिखरा हुआ देख ले तो उसे भी जोड़ देता है,  लेकिन खुद में और टूट जाता है।  Read More...
Published on May 1,2020 01:06 AM
By Smruti in True Story | Reads: 635 | Likes: 0
"A moment without thought  and the background noise ceases  and I can suddenly hear  the silence between sounds  the silence beneath sound  from which all sounds emerge  like waves from the sea." - Steve Taylor It was 22nd March, there was a ' Janta  curfew'   Read More...
Published on Mar 22,2020 09:22 PM
அழகின் வர்ணமே!..
By Dikshita Lakshmi in General Literary | Reads: 635 | Likes: 3
அழகின் வர்ணமே!..   1996....                                                                   &nbs 
Published on Apr 9,2020 04:33 PM
The Abode that beckons!
By Manjistha Mukherjee Bhatt in Poetry | Reads: 635 | Likes: 0
The abode that beckons! Far far away from the maddening crowd Far from everything that is tiring, disgraceful and loud Beyond the point where the eyes can venture Redefining romanticism and adventure Lies the only eternal truth Of glory, beauty and youth Hidden between the mountain folds Right wher  Read More...
Published on Jun 2,2020 06:18 PM