Falling In Love
By Sourav Kumar in General Literary | Reads: 638 | Likes: 0
Falling in love is common among youngsters, as it is a feeling that creates within heart. As the heart grows young, it becomes thirsty for love and shows inclination towards someone else whose smiles, swaying hairs, luring figure and cunning attitudes remain inside. While studying in college, he me  Read More...
Published on Apr 8,2020 08:40 PM
Cozy Place at Home
By Padmini in General Literary | Reads: 638 | Likes: 2
It was a cold morning. Amy was still in bed, all tucked in, checking her phone. Ah, how she loved her room, her bed, her blanket, the air gently brushing her face. Her room was her temple. It had everything she needed: her books, her stationery, her clothes and shoes. But most importantly, it had he  Read More...
Published on Apr 21,2020 08:17 AM
Dream of NGO
By sneha in True Story | Reads: 638 | Likes: 0
"Dreams" - this one word is as beautiful as it appears in the eyes. A kid always wants to become, what fascinates him the most. "I was in 5th standard when I got fascinated with the profession called "Architect", I started seeing some programs related with that on National geographic, I was so attra  Read More...
Published on Apr 23,2020 03:21 PM
He who broke more than a heart..❤
By Tanvi in Poetry | Reads: 638 | Likes: 2
He was my own part... He set himself apart... He gave a tragic end to our story and there is no restart. He broke my trust along with my hymen. Inside his fire I still burn.. He removed his veils of love along with my outfit. He stole everything and pushed me into a pit. His scratches are still burn  Read More...
Published on Apr 29,2020 05:22 PM
शिला लेख में तू होगा
By Ambuj kumar Srivastav in Poetry | Reads: 638 | Likes: 1
शिला लेख में ख़ुद  ख़ुद कर  मै नाम तुम्हारा ख़ुद  अपने संग मै रख लूंगा इतिहास अगर मेरा होगा  तो शिला  में तू ह  Read More...
Published on Aug 26,2020 10:17 PM
चिड़िया की परेशानी
By Prakash Vishnoi in Poetry | Reads: 637 | Likes: 1
एक चिड़िया थी वह बहुत उच उड़ती , इधर उधर चहचहाती रहती | कभी इस टहनी पर कभी उस टहनी पर फुदकती रहती |पर उस चिड़िया की एक आदत थ  Read More...
Published on Mar 30,2020 07:14 PM
You do make my heart smile❤
By Ronit in Romance | Reads: 637 | Likes: 0
U smile but how can ur heart smile? ¤Whenever ur better half tries doing small-small things fr u ¤Including her bestf to prank u   ¤Send ugly but really cutie pics thru d course of day just to make ur day a better thn worse  So tht ur day whines with a big long sm  Read More...
Published on Apr 22,2020 08:26 PM
हम मजदूर
By Piyush in General Literary | Reads: 637 | Likes: 1
एक मजदूर की व्यथा , कैसे भूक से मर रहे है ये ,  ना खाने को अन्न है, और न रहने को छत है। जाये तो जाये कहाँ, कहे भी तो किससे   Read More...
Published on May 16,2020 02:14 PM
जिन्दगी का सफर
By Kunal verma in Poetry | Reads: 637 | Likes: 1
सफर है जिन्दगी का तय तो करना होगा । कि सफर है जिन्दगी का तय तो करना होगा । लाखों कठिनाईयाँ आएगी जिन्दगी में । आगे बढन  Read More...
Published on Sep 20,2020 07:34 PM
यकीन कर, यकीन से अब पर्दा हुआ है
By Anuj Subrat in Poetry | Reads: 637 | Likes: 2
यक़ीन कर, यक़ीन से अब पर्दा हुआ है मैं जहाँ खड़ा हूँ वहाँ सबने सर झुका लिया है बहुत बुरा हूँ मैं, हर तरफ मिरि ही बुराइयाँ   Read More...
Published on Mar 22,2020 06:11 PM
My Apology to God
By sonali bagga in Poetry | Reads: 637 | Likes: 1
For all those cut throat toils and harshness... Ashamed I'm of my ungratefulness.. O God , I pray for forgiveness, your divine forgiveness... On the behalf of my co creatures,I bow down to you.. My reason for existence I owe only to you.. I fell for a mere piece of paper, currency I mean... Never re  Read More...
Published on Apr 11,2020 08:27 PM
The pink slip
By Anuradha Prashant in General Literary | Reads: 637 | Likes: 0
9:00 am, the stamping started. Thud Thud Thud… Blue circles around the wrinkled corners meant a job well begun. Well that was how Santhanam started his day rather every day for the last 24 years. Santhanam was the office peon. In hey days of babu (Bureaucracy) culture he had joined  Read More...
Published on Apr 24,2020 07:35 AM
From the diary of a CA
By Simran Kabra in Poetry | Reads: 637 | Likes: 10
Quarantined around with peaceful wind & quiet roads, Wondering how life twist & turns taking us through different modes! I stared at the mirror and found a newly born CA gazing me back, With that proud smile again, I started recalling my entire CA track! How the start with CPT took the confi  Read More...
Published on Mar 27,2020 04:40 PM
Shadows all around
By Alisha in True Story | Reads: 636 | Likes: 0
Jess’ eyes roamed around the crowded room, watching the inebriated faces of her friends laughing and moving their bodies closely in sync with their partners, bottles in one hand, the other wrapped around someone’s waist. Yes, this was the kind of party she enjoyed. Beer in hand, she too   Read More...
Published on May 31,2020 04:15 PM
Unapologetically resilient
By kavazhimomi in Poetry | Reads: 636 | Likes: 1
Distant eyes upon a homely face;We indulge in violence,yet long for peace.Promises disappears midway;We push far who wish to stay,yet drag close who runs astray.Forlorness remain subtle;we swirl around the phantom castle,and fly alone like an eagle.Innocence abused by life is far gone;We become as h  Read More...
Published on Mar 29,2020 07:33 PM