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A Love Jihad Story Can Love Be Our Religion?

Author Name: Souwmiya Dhinesh | Format: Paperback | Genre : Literature & Fiction | Other Details

While the cases on Love Jihad are increasing exponentially, the liberal bandwagons and the ‘secular’ squads are trying to frame up this ‘force-induced or influence-induced religious conversion’ on the pretext of marriage, like various other interfaith marriages. Contrary to their belief, there are a few heart wrenching instances of Love Jihad that exposes the real façade of religious conversions, thus making the incessant ramblings of the ‘expert debaters’ on social media and television channels, futile.

To lure a girl in the name of love, is the most sadistic crime a man can ever commit, as the girl will not only lose herself for the wrong man, but also she would never be able to trust any other man for the rest of her life.  This story is about an inspirational journey of a woman, Aditi, who was on the verge of being sabotaged by the ‘Love Jihad’ flames, but cautiously picked up her remnant pieces to move on with her life, rose above all challenges that the socio-religious norms and the male chauvinistic society threw at her, to become the most celebrated voice of the nation.



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Souwmiya Dhinesh

Souwmiya Dhinesh, an Engineer, left her comfy IT job at TCS, to pursue her dream of becoming a writer. As a child, she was very much interested in maintaining journals and diaries of her own. Her first book, ‘A Too Much Woman’ was released in Feb 2020, an inspirational romance novel based on a true story, is available now on Amazon and Flipkart (paperback and ebook versions) and is gaining popularity among the readers. This book, her second novel  ‘A Love Jihad Story’ also happened to be, ' based on real-life incidents', is again of the same genre, ‘Inspirational Romance’. The author is pretty focused on penning words that inspire readers, especially the women folks to be inspired to follow their dreams passionately. 
Her mantra in life is, 'We can choose courage or we can choose comfort, but we can’t have both. Not at the same time.'

