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Become an iMature Student Digital Citizenship & Internet Maturity Guide

Author Name: Raghu Pandey | Format: Paperback | Genre : Young Adult Nonfiction | Other Details

A Digital Citizenship & Internet Maturity Guide which Students would Love to Read!
Digital Citizenship & Internet Maturity has emerged as one of the most important Life Skills of the 21st century. But students hate to learn when lessons look boring. “Become an iMature Student” uses an innovative story and dialogue method to teach Digital Citizenship concepts to students and make them mature digital citizens. This book is truly fun to read!

More about the book...
iMature means ‘Internet Mature’ – a person who is mature user of Internet (mature Digital Citizen). An iMature person knows how to make the best use of Internet for education & career. He or she also knows how to stay safe from online threats. In 21st century, we can say that if you are not 'iMature' then you are really 'immature'.

Who should read this book?
School students
College students
Teachers & Parents

Why you should read this book?

It gives you the ‘License’ to use Internet!

It is your guide to take the maximum benefit of Internet in education.

It helps to make your education “complete” by 21st century standards

It is an eye-opener on online safety-risks, legal problems, reputation issues, and addiction problems.

It helps to create a strong foundation for your 21st century career

Finally, you must read it because... it is FUN to read!



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Raghu Pandey

Raghu is the leading Digital Citizenship experts of India with more than a decade of experience in the domain. It's been twelve years since he is training students and teachers on concepts of Digital Citizenship and how to make the best use of Internet in education. In all these years he observed that students learn the A-B-C of Internet very fast, but do not go beyond it’s E-F-G (Entertainment, Fun, & Gossip). They remain unaware of the real benefits of Internet and have limited knowledge of online safety risks and concepts like online reputation. All that has motivated Raghu to write this book. Raghu is also an ed-tech entrepreneur since 2005 and a Youtuber.

