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Author Name: ASHOK SETHURAMAN Format: eBook | Genre : Technology & Engineering | Other Details

This is the Practical Guide to Energy saving in compressed air utility in the Industries. Having learnt from the Energy Audits & the Implementations, done with the guidance from BEE Guide Books and BEE Refresher Course material, I wanted to share the experiences learnt through my Energy Auditing experience, to the compressed air users, energy conscious professionals and Energy managers & the Maintenance Managers in the industry.

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Er. Ashok Sethuraman, B.Sc.,B.Tech.(M.I.T.) Instrument Technology has 44 years of Industry Field Experience in Projects, Maintenance, and now in Energy conservation and Management since 20 years. He had Professional training and work experience in India and Abroad. He has conducted around 800 Energy Audits in the Industries. Based on his decades of experience in Energy Audits, he has published 4 books on Energy Conservation & Management since 2020. All his 4 books were well received by all the Industries in India & Abroad. They have been found very much useful to the Plant Engineers who are into Energy Saving implementation in the plant equipments and Utilities. His 4 books are

1.Practical Guide to Industry Energy conservation & Management; 

2.Energy Conservation & Management in Textile Mills, 

3.Conserve Energy & Restore Productivity in Machines by Belts & Pulley Drives,

4.Energy Monitoring & Conservation Practices in Residential & Commercial Buildings 

He has been writing his Energy Conservation articles over a decade, in many National Technical Magazines like Electrical India, Cooling India magazines, and articles in BEE, IAEMP, SEEM etc and in Textile Journals like Spinning Textile, Textile Magazine, Indian Textile Journal, SIMA Bulletin, TECA news letter, and sharing knowledge thro his website and in the LinkedIn platform. He is conducting Lectures, Training programs in many Industry Associations, Engineering colleges. His detailed presentations are available in channel webinars – YouTube /energymeasuretosave His energy saving proposals are well received and implemented by the industry & achieved Energy Savings. This prompted him to publish the Energy conservation case studies done in the compressed air utility. Kindly give your valuable feedback



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