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Fortune Life Explore your gift of life

Author Name: Aamina Ruvaida | Format: Paperback | Genre : Young Adult Fiction | Other Details

This book contains the Inspiration of each story. We understand things better in the form of stories. Sometimes we are so busy in our thoughts we tend to forget the things that really important to us. When we are in childhood we used to hear lots of stories, when we started growing we started thinking stories are only meant for children, not for adults. In everything, there is some story hidden behind it. Start from our evaluation to this world till our departure. When we achieve something, it becomes our story for others and inspires them to do massive things in life. There is always a child inside us and we are preventing our child to come outside and play as they wish. We are afraid of what others will think, this book will assist you to stop thinking what others are thinking and start thinking what you believe in. When your belief is strong, no power will stop you not even you. So, make the foundation strong to lift your life to the highest peak.



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Aamina Ruvaida

Aamina Ruvaida is the author of "Secrete Potential", born in Tamil Nadu and completed graduation in the Computer Science field. She is keen interest in writing and exploring new things. She has been a topper in School and College days, Got many awards and Prize in College for performing good in academic. She is motivated and inspires others to assist in their walk of life. Always seeking to learn new things, never says I don't know. Instead of that, she asks how to do it. She is never afraid of failing, she believes every steps will count, our hard work will never be worthless. It always teaches us some lesson. She is good at playing chess, her good friend is a book. Spend most of her spare time reading books, trying new experiments. Her passion for writing helps her to do lots of stuff and explore the world with new thoughts. Positive and take the challenge as an opportunity to make the task complete.  She does meditation, yoga, and exercises to keep fit and healthy. She likes to spend time analyzing the data and get an interesting visualization from the data. Her works in writing describe the way she thinks. Life is like water, wherever we give direction it will flow, the same way wherever our focus goes, we make our life in that direction. We are in charge of our life and we can't blame anyone. If we succeed or fail all credits will come to us at the end. 

