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How to Write Banking Letters (For Banker & Customer) More Than 120 Relevant Sample Letters

Author Name: Pradip Kumar Ray | Format: Paperback | Genre : Reference & Study Guides | Other Details

The physical haul of a letter gives the correspondence a mental weight that letters and messages simply don't have. Computerized correspondence is ethereal and transient and subsequently fits hasty and cocky transmissions. A letter, then again, is unmistakable proof that somebody has placed some idea into their composition. In such a situation, the author's own idea, the curiosity to know the unknown, the efforts of the scholars to entertain and raise awareness by combining the explanations of different scholars will be successful by reading this book. This book will be a companion to all those who are writing letters especially related to Bank.

Letter composing is a fundamental ability. Notwithstanding the pervasiveness of messages and instant messages, everybody needs to compose letters sooner or later. Letters of grievance, employment forms, thank you letters, letters mentioning changes, or making proposals — the rundown continues forever. Composing letters energizes great social aptitudes, figuring out how to state thank you, and requesting data graciously. In English, there are various shows that ought to be utilized when composing a formal or business letter. Moreover, you attempt to compose as basically and as plainly as could reasonably be expected, and not to make the letter longer than would normally be appropriate. A letter is composed correspondence starting with one individual or association then onto the next. 



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Pradip Kumar Ray

The author decided to voluntarily retire from banking services after 31+ years of service. At that time, he was posted as Chief Manager (Offing) in the Purshura branch of SBI. At SBI, he worked in various activities like Branch Manager, HR Manager, Systems Manager, etc. At that time, the hobby of the writer was to invent different magic and write different articles. His first book "Prerana" was published in 2013. His various articles and essays have already been published in a number of widely circulated and under-published newspapers and magazines. In the case of magic, biodata with the author's image was published in the World Directory of Magicians.

The educational qualifications of the author are B.Sc. (Hons. in Physics), M.Sc. (Computer Science), Computer Application Post Graduate Diploma (PGDCA), Cisco Certified Network Associates-Global (CCNA), Certified Associate of the Indian Institute of Banking (CAIIB). He has also done various certificate courses such as photo, video and audio editing, animation, hardware, COBOL programming, Hindi Pragya courses, etc.

After retiring, the author also worked with several academies as an expert instructor in "Banking" and now works on his YouTube channel, Facebook page, Website, Blog, Stock Photography, various articles, self-published books, etc. and he is also engaged in internet-based work.

The following Books which are written by Author have already been published and available at Amazon, Flip cart, Notion Press, Pothi‘s Online Outlet.

1) Prerana (Bengali) 2) Prerana Part-1 (English) 3) Prerana Part-1 (Hindi) 4) Banking Q & A (English) 5) Prerak Koushal Me Sudhar Kaise Kare (Hindi) 6) Mahabharate Ki Ki Tathya Chitrita Achhe Ja Ajo Prasangik? (Bengali) 7) Secrets of Motivation & Inspiration (English) 8) Kalpanay, Kheyale O Kathane “Korona” (Bengali) 9) Stay Motivated Stay Inspired (Image Book) 10) Unpopular but Attracting with Historical Interest Tourist Place in Bardhaman (English) 11) Digital Banking Ready Reference for Customer (English) 12) Puran Kahineer Antarnihita Artha (Bengali) 13) Oitihasik Akarshak Parjatan Sthal, Burdwan (Hindi) 14) Banking for Students & Bankers (Hindi) 15) Manabatar Pujari Swalpa Parichita Bharatiyer Kahinee (Bengali) 16) The Story of a Little-Known Indian Worshiper of Humanity (English) 17) "Corona" - Kathan, Troll & Mimes(Hindi)18) "Corona" in Imagination, Troll & Mimes (English) 19) Ramayaner Ajana Tathya ( Bengali) 20) How to write an Email (English), etc.



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