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Impact of Covid-19 on Indian Economy Compiled and edited book

Author Name: Dr Rekha Jagannath Editor And Co- Author, Dr.Madan Mohan Goel, Dr.Halima Rizvi, Dr. Inder Awasti, Dhulasi Brunda Varadarajan, Dr.Madaan, Dr. G.S.Garg, Dr.Sunil Nautiyal, Dr. Harsh Gandhar, Dr.Vineetha Vincent | Format: Paperback | Genre : Educational & Professional | Other Details

This intellectual output will definitely go a long way to remain as a reference matter of this cross section of time in posterity.It will trigger enterprise and interest in learning which are so vital to re- engineer and steer the Econoy out of the present slow down.The book will show light in these testing and  and searching times for Indian Economy!

Covid -19 triggered interest in all 10 Economists, about the areas we have written about! 

This book is about the cross section of time which was unique in global economies and in India! The Economists are of great expertise and have passionately delved into Indian Economy at the outbreak of the pandemic! It is a rare team effort of 10 Economists of varied seniority looking into 10 important aspects of Indian Economy at that time period! It is this outlook that makes the book a long run reference material about the theme!

 It happened that I suggested that we have a webinar series about the theme to the HOD of Economics at Jain University Bangalore. He took it ahead till finish, with the complete support of his staff and students with impeccable efficiency. This innovativeness and efficiency is so well built into the infrastructure of Jain University by the Founder of the institution. It is a fortunate team effort of 10 Economist of varied seniority looking into 10 important aspects of Indian Economy at that time period!



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Dr Rekha Jagannath Editor And Co- Author, Dr.Madan Mohan Goel, Dr.Halima Rizvi, Dr. Inder Awasti, Dhulasi Brunda Varadarajan, Dr.Madaan, Dr. G.S.Garg, Dr.Sunil Nautiyal, Dr. Harsh Gandhar, Dr.Vineetha Vincent

Dr Rekha Jagannath holds a doctorate in Economics supervised by late 

Prof.Dr Venkatagiri Gowda PhD LSE She has studied MA, MPhil and PhD  in Bangalore University and University of Auckland New Zealand where she did PG Dip in Health Informatics.

She has good international exposure into some universities in NZ and USA.

She is a professional Economist who has taught Economics for 37 years at higher education level 13 years Christ College and 11 years in Maharani Lakshmi College

At present she is : 


A Research Faculty of Jain Deemed to be University Bangalore

She is a Mentor of Start- Ups at Naman Angels Mumbai

She has extensive rural exposure and NGO network as the Research Director of Asian Institute for Rural Development Bangalore 2013-2020.

She has extensive  network with NGOs and SHGs 

She was the research Director at Maharani Lakshmi Ammanni Autonomous College Research Centre

Having presented at  National & International Conferences,  she has published 67 Research and Conference Papers and 7 Books.

She was honoured for ‘Education Excellence’ by ‘International Institute for Education and Managament’ New Delhi given away by national dignitaries Bhishma Narayan Singh who was 7 times Governor,  at a national seminar organised at Krishna Menon Auditoium New Delhi in February 2017. She is nominated as ICSSR Evaluator of Major Research Project Reports in 2020

She has been a Member of Karnataka State Planning Board,  2 times. 

 ‘India Today’ highlighted her profile among ‘Bangalore’s women of Substance’ in 2013.

She has been an ICSSR Senior Research Fellow working on ‘Land Use and Globalization (2010-2012).

She was honoured by PMI (Project management Institute HQ Pensylvania) Bangalore Chapter for innovative project ideas in 2014. 

she has conducted Five workshops in Bangalore rural sponsored by Karnataka Rajya Vijnana Parishad and Ministry of Environment GOI

She started her stint in research as a junior research fellow at Economic Change (ISEC/VKRV Rao Institute) as a UGC Junior Research Fellow 




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