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Matchmaking For Marriage Simple Guide For Horoscope Matching

Author Name: Dr Gautam Dk | Format: Paperback | Genre : Reference & Study Guides | Other Details

This Book “Matchmaking for Marriage” is a simple guide for matching of Horoscope. Do we require to match the horoscopes in all cases or some cases can be avoided? If during matching some dosha is found, are there any cancellation yogas and if not then any remedy? What will be the implications of any Dosha and is the logic behind the Guna match still applicable in the present scenario?  So let us understand the complete matchmaking for marriage in a simple manner. It covers the Ashtguna Milan, Manglik Dosha and even factors that need to be considered while matching the Horoscope. This matchmaking is even applicable for love affairs and friendship.  



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Dr Gautam Dk

Dr Gautam DK, electrical engineer, MBA, MSc and Doctorate Degree in management, is from a family of Hindu Brahmins who have been engaged in astrology for centuries. Dr Gautam attended various courses as Jyotish Ratnakar, Jyotish Parveen, Jyotish Bhaskar, Jyotish Vibhushan, Jyotish Rishi, Nadi astrology, Palmistry, Vastu and Reiki Master. Now he is teaching Vedic astrology through his YouTube channel “Gautam DK Astrology” and website and is involved in research on the subject.



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