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Milestone of Mannewar Tribe

Author Name: Omprakash S. Bone | Format: Paperback | Genre : Educational & Professional | Other Details

This book, Milestone of Mannewar Tribe, is a complete root history of the Mannewar tribal people. This book should be playing a basic role to solve all the problems among the general people as well as Hon’ble Courts. Basically, the meaning of the book indicates that this tribal community is one of the oldest (pre-constitution) tribal cultures of India. Their history is researched and written by the British Government and later, the Government of India through anthropological survey from time to time. They pointed out that the Mannewar people are the real custodians of the environment, who have been born from nature, animals and have a human temperament. If someone is interested to know the culture of the tribals, the Government of India will help them prove the awareness, respect and importance of the environment. In tribal culture, the Milestone of Mannewar Tribe is used as medicine. This book is a mirror of the Mannewar tribal people, who are the important model of their living culture. The scientific base behind using the proverbs that it is a makeable message not to have bad habits or its use to explain the views to a third person in a simple, sweet language. It is a part and history of the anthropological survey of tribal people who put together their ‘tribal culture’. In Indian history, this book will be most useful to the tribal community as well as to the history lovers, Ph.D. & UPSC students. In the book, useful information is provided like their root history, the hon’ble court judgements, names of their forefathers (pre-constitution period) recorded in the Government records before the independence of India as well as the rainbows of the present generation and portrait of cultures.



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Omprakash S. Bone

Omprakash S. Bone has a long-time acquaintance with the Mannewar tribals, having researched on them in detail through different authors and surveys written in their books and census researches, Hon’ble Supreme/High Court judgements, historical and anthropological surveys, the identity of their migration in the present Maharashtra State, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh before the independence.

The author attempts to bridge the gap by trying to make the tribals aware of their rights and privileges, to bring them out of their human rights provided by the Government of India.

This book will appeal to the lovers of history and all those who strive to fight for tribal rights.  

The author is an astrological writer born and brought up in Maharashtra. Since childhood, his favourite pursuit was to find out the dynamic problems and root history of the Mannewar community and solve their problems. The author has visited different places and took efforts to find out the complete history based on the available legal documents of the Mannewar tribe in the medieval period 1550-1580 to date and anthropological survey with authentic reference, court judgments and pre-constitutional documents of the Mannewar people mentioned in the book.

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