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My Animal Alphabet

Author Name: Ranjani R | Format: Paperback | Genre : Children & Young Adult | Other Details

We all know the alphabet song, and we all have our own simplified ways of visually learning the ABC’s. But which way is the best for our kids? There’s no single guaranteed way for all kids, because everyone learns differently. Regardless,  there’s one thing that we all know. Learning from different visual cues helps capture our attention.

I have created this book focusing on animals & birds in alphabetical order. This book also uses Fox to introduce the sound of X as it is phonetically correct way of teaching.



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Ranjani R

Ranjani R is a mompreneur who is juggling between a 9 to 6 job, a business ( which is a shop for all your homeschooling needs and a toddler whom we are homeschooling. Since my childhood days, i had this immense love for books, always excited to start school as i would get  my hands on new books :)

I try to pass on the same excitement to my son and children. 

