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Nitai Karuna Sindhu (Lord Nityananda – An Ocean of mercy) From the owners of 'The Gaudiya Treasures of Bengal'

Author Name: Diptiman Gaurahari das, Diptimayi Vishnupriya devi dasi | Format: Paperback | Genre : Biographies & Autobiographies | Other Details
Sri Nityananda Prabhu is none other than Lord Balarama, the first expansion of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who had appeared 500 years ago in the sacred land of Birbhum (in West Bengal), in order to assist Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu manifest His most wonderful pastimes. This book tries to recount some of the amazing pastimes that Doyal Nitai had enacted in this sacred land of Bengal, where He had spent most of His days, preaching and showering love. The book has been carefully tailored to provide a unique reading experience that enables one to develop spontaneous love and devotion unto Lord Nityananda. Jai Nitai ! A brief overview – 1. Who is Nityananda Prabhu ? 2. Childhood pastimes of Nitai 3. Meeting of Gauranga and Nityananda at Mayapur 4. Lord Nityananda and the Panihati Dahi Chida festival 5. Lord Nityananda and Uddharana datta Thakura – Pastimes of Saptagram 6. Lord Nityananda and Krishnadasa Kaviraja Goswami 7. Pastimes with Jagai and Madhai 8. Pastimes with Vrindavana Das Thakura 9. Amazing Pastimes of Khardaha 10. Lord Nityananda’s marriage with Srimati Vasudha and Jahnava, Ambika Kalna 11. Navadvipa Parikrama with Jiva Goswami 12. Lord Nityananda tricks Lord Caitanya and His jovial conversations with Advaita acharya 13. Pastimes at Srivasa Angan 14. Nityananda Prabhu breaks Mahaprabhu’s sannyasa Danda (rod) 15. A few Bhajans Glorifying Lord Nityananda


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Diptiman Gaurahari das, Diptimayi Vishnupriya devi dasi

Me and my wife consider ourselves insignificant servants of our spiritual master HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaj, one of the most prominent disciples of A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada (the founder acharya of Iskcon). Our Gurudeva has instructed and inspired us to perform this service of conducting detailed research on the various pastime places of Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and His beloved associates in and around Bengal and promote the glories of Gauda Mandala bhumi infinitely. It is due to Gurudeva's causeless mercy and blessings that we could actually visit these sacred pastime places and realize their eternal glories. The books we have authored are a reflection of our realizations and a medium to share our experience with all of you. The pastimes of Lord Chaitanya are very deep and exceedingly ecstatic. It is a treasure house that can only be relished by one completely devoted unto Him. One who delves deep into these nectarian pastimes achieves the elusive perfection of his life. We pray to Lord Gaurahari and Nityananda Prabhu that they mercifully allow us to enter and contemplate upon their eternal pastimes. Apart from being an author, i am a software engineer and i work for a reputed multinational company. My wife ,Diptimayi Vishnupriya devi dasi, serves as a dutiful housewife. website -


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