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Quick Guide for Creating, Selling and Buying Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)

Author Name: Dr. Hidaia Mahmood Alassouli | Format: Paperback | Genre : Computers | Other Details

An NFT (non-fungible “non-interchangeable”) token) simply represents ownership of an asset. Before choosing an NFT marketplace, you'll first want to decide the kind of digital asset you're interested in buying, selling, or creating. Just about anything digital -- the written word, videos, video games, art, collectors’ items, etc. -- can be tokenized on a blockchain. Another consideration is the type of tokens supported on a marketplace.

NFT marketplaces are your path to start investing in digital assets, collectibles, and art, but there are lots of options out there. Be sure to choose one that suits your buying and storage needs based on the type of NFT you're after and the crypto you're interested in using for transactions. is the most common online marketplace for non-fungible tokens.

The report includes the following parts:

1.What is NFT?? 

2. Can’t just upload the digital assets instead of buying them on NFT??? 

3. Some NFT marketplaces.

4. Using to sell and buy NFT assets.

5. Creating and minting NFT assets in

6.  How to create and sell NFT on Binance NFT Marketplace.  

7.  How to create and sell NFT on NFT Marketplace.  

8. How to create and sell NFT on FTX.US NFT Marketplace.

9. Example on selling NFT assets on

10. References.



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Dr. Hidaia Mahmood Alassouli

I am Dr. Hidaia Mahmood Mohamed Alassouli. I completed my PhD degree in Electrical Engineering from Czech Technical University by February 2003, and my M. Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering from Bahrain University by June 1995. I completed also one study year of most important courses in telecommunication and computer engineering courses in Islamic university in Gaza. So, I covered most important subjects in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering and Telecommunications Engineering during my study. My nationality is Palestinian from gaza strip.

I obtained a lot of certified courses in MCSE, SPSS, Cisco (CCNA), A+, Linux.

I worked as Electrical, Telecommunicating and Computer Engineer in a lot of institutions. I worked also as a computer networking administrator.

I had considerable undergraduate teaching experience in several types of courses in many universities. I handled teaching the most important subjects in Electrical and Telecommunication and Computer Engineering.

I could publish a lot of papers a top-tier journals and conference proceedings, besides I published a lot of books in Publishing and Distribution houses.

I wrote a lot of important Arabic articles on online news websites. I also have my own magazine website that I publish on it all my articles:

I am an Author publishing books on many other book stores such as Google,,,,,,, and others .  

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