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The Vargas A Journey into the World of Vedic Astrology

Author Name: Sarajit Poddar | Format: Paperback | Genre : BODY, MIND & SPIRIT | Other Details

This volume covers several topics of Vargas or Subdivisions of a Rasi. This includes delineation of the 16 Vargas of Maharshi Parashara, the principles of analysing Vargas, the Varga dignities, the variations of Vargas, such as Parivritti Vargas etc., the different kinds of Horas, Navamshas, Dreshkanas etc. Non Shodashavargas such as Panchamsha, Kaulakamsha, Ashtamsha etc. are also included. This also contains the usage of individual Vargas for delineating a Kundali.

It contains an examination of whether the Vargas can be used as Kundalis and what the Shastras say about it. Several dictums from the classical texts are given to clarify the views of the classical authors.

There are staunch believers of both schools of thought, those who do not accept the concept of Bhava and drishti in the Vargas, whereas there are those who support the view that Vargas should also be treated as Kundalis. I do not wish to force anyone with what I believe; I only wish to present before the seekers what the different classical texts say on this topic to arrive at their conclusions.



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Sarajit Poddar (aka Varahamihira) is a Jyotish enthusiast. He learned the subject from his paternal uncle Sri Manoj Kanti Poddar and was guided by Pt. Sanjay Rath. He is a seeker and wishes to understand the alignment of the forces that govern the celestial bodies and worldly affairs. In his studies over the thirty years, he endeavoured to uncover the hidden meaning behind the shlokas and sutras of the classical texts and reconcile their differences. His search for the hidden meaning behind the Jyotish principles took shape in this book, "In Search of Jyotish." He wishes to share his observations, reflections, and experiences with like-minded seekers.



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