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Author Name: Dr. Pallavi Bhardwaj | Format: Paperback | Genre : Reference & Study Guides | Other Details

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Dr. Pallavi Bhardwaj

Dr. Pallavi Bhardwaj: Assistant Professor of English, At ICDEOL, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla. 

Dr. Amir Khan Ahmed is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Philosophy, Hari Gayatri Das College, Azara (Affiliated to Gauhati University).

Dr. Giftsy Dorcas E. hails from Tamil Nadu and works as an English faculty at Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bengaluru. 

Dr. Harlal Meel is working as Assistant Professor in Shree Swaroop Govind Pareek Post Graduate College, Jaipur.

Mr. Wakil Kumar Yadav is an Assistant Professor of English, Author, Novelist, Essayist and Editor. Ph.D. (Pursuing) in English, Mahatma Gandhi Central University Bihar. 



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