By Kajal in Romance | വായിക്കുന്നു: 639 | ഇഷ്ടപ്പെടുന്നു: 0
Have you ever had that feeling that everything is slipping away from your hand and you can't do anything about it so you just stand there feeling every bit of yourself turning numb. I have always taken life for granted. I didn't think that people around me are going to disappear anytime soon. But   കൂടുതൽ വായിക്കുക...
പ്രസിദ്ധീകരണ തിയതി May 6,2020 04:44 PM
Girls Journey
By Neha in Poetry | വായിക്കുന്നു: 639 | ഇഷ്ടപ്പെടുന്നു: 0
Oh the girl is born  Well is it happy news or sad? Mom dad so much of love But no one tells about real world  Child sex abuse begins  Even before realising what does it mean  Innocence get lost ..but memories of the first weird kiss who forgets that ? Girl become quite ...unders  കൂടുതൽ വായിക്കുക...
പ്രസിദ്ധീകരണ തിയതി May 10,2020 03:19 PM
Love Dimension
By Nemo Heart in Poetry | വായിക്കുന്നു: 639 | ഇഷ്ടപ്പെടുന്നു: 0
'Forever'  lost its meaning when—I met —you Cus' time freezes when You're around, For I'm your captive of our :  Love dimension. ©Nemo heart  കൂടുതൽ വായിക്കുക...
പ്രസിദ്ധീകരണ തിയതി May 17,2020 07:02 PM
Quarantine: A Privilege?
By Umme Ammara in General Literary | വായിക്കുന്നു: 639 | ഇഷ്ടപ്പെടുന്നു: 0
"Hello Mr. Ravikanth".   "Ah! Mr. Govardhan", a heart warming smile spreading across his face, Ravikanth stretched his hand for a shake. Out of practice for six long months Govardhan withdrew his hand and just did a namaste.   "I thought we were allowed to shake hands, now that the virus h  കൂടുതൽ വായിക്കുക...
പ്രസിദ്ധീകരണ തിയതി Aug 4,2020 10:39 AM
My Life
By Ashu in True Story | വായിക്കുന്നു: 638 | ഇഷ്ടപ്പെടുന്നു: 1
Hi! My name is Ashritha and I am 17 years old. I hope that my life story will be helpful to atleast few people.   I suffer from PCOS, Social Anxiety Disorder and Major Depressive Disorder. I am dealing with problems like loneliness, suicidal urges, overweight, career issues, relationship i  കൂടുതൽ വായിക്കുക...
പ്രസിദ്ധീകരണ തിയതി Mar 24,2020 12:45 AM
By Pooja in General Literary | വായിക്കുന്നു: 638 | ഇഷ്ടപ്പെടുന്നു: 0
What they grew out of, she grew into.. Wrapped in memories and her warmest shawl, she sat in her porch. Her feeble, bent frame, crouched insignificantly in the large rocking chair. The scratched surface and the chipped wood, resonated a camraderie of years. Her wrinkled, sagging yellowed skin , a sh  കൂടുതൽ വായിക്കുക...
പ്രസിദ്ധീകരണ തിയതി Mar 27,2020 02:51 PM
The Climb
By Paul Reji George in General Literary | വായിക്കുന്നു: 638 | ഇഷ്ടപ്പെടുന്നു: 0
There were three companions that were brought together by fate, they met each other  under a great mountain. It was uncharted and unpaved. Great tales and folklores were sung about this mountain, how deep and dense the forests were, how the clouds split asunder at it's touch, how there lay prec  കൂടുതൽ വായിക്കുക...
പ്രസിദ്ധീകരണ തിയതി Mar 28,2020 02:51 PM
The miraculous life that we all have
By Samina in True Story | വായിക്കുന്നു: 638 | ഇഷ്ടപ്പെടുന്നു: 0
The miraculous life that we all have, in that there are certain incidents which are so outstanding that they instil a strong belief in us and touch us in a very memorable way. There are moments of gratitude that we experience through these happenings. We go through many of life's ups and downs.  കൂടുതൽ വായിക്കുക...
പ്രസിദ്ധീകരണ തിയതി Apr 5,2020 10:46 PM
By Amitesh Kumar in Mystery | വായിക്കുന്നു: 638 | ഇഷ്ടപ്പെടുന്നു: 1
The scorching sun made everything boil ! It was mid Summer, and Mani was in the fields with her Sheela,her mother, reaping the wheat crop.Usually someone from home would come with food and water for Mani and her mother.Sometimes  Mani's father came.Sometime,her brother and sometime,her sister.   കൂടുതൽ വായിക്കുക...
പ്രസിദ്ധീകരണ തിയതി Apr 14,2020 10:12 AM
कुदरत का कहर !
By Shivani Singh in Poetry | വായിക്കുന്നു: 638 | ഇഷ്ടപ്പെടുന്നു: 0
है कहर ये कुदरत का जो इंसान हदो में अब नहीं रहा  सूरज उगने और ढलने के बीच का सिलसिला अब नहीं रहा, सांसे कम और लाशें ज  കൂടുതൽ വായിക്കുക...
പ്രസിദ്ധീകരണ തിയതി Apr 30,2020 08:07 PM
By HARSHITHA in True Story | വായിക്കുന്നു: 638 | ഇഷ്ടപ്പെടുന്നു: 1
Once upon a time there lived a king with his family happily. he had 3 children and a wife. all the 3 are sons. soon as the years past the king became older and older, he knew that he will reach his death in a month or less. so he got 2 fears- 1) whom to give the responsibility of the kingdom, 2) who  കൂടുതൽ വായിക്കുക...
പ്രസിദ്ധീകരണ തിയതി May 3,2020 02:27 PM
The Funeral..!!
By Divyanshi in Poetry | വായിക്കുന്നു: 638 | ഇഷ്ടപ്പെടുന്നു: 1
Started with shouts; And ends with disturbed silence.. What a great mystery; What a great desire of the creator..!! It was a deadly ceremony; It was a gathering of goodbye..!! A condition where the burden of tears were really excessive; Where soul was there , Yet the last breath was over..!! They we  കൂടുതൽ വായിക്കുക...
പ്രസിദ്ധീകരണ തിയതി May 28,2020 01:00 AM
Friend or foe?
By Padmashree in True Story | വായിക്കുന്നു: 638 | ഇഷ്ടപ്പെടുന്നു: 34
Bells of my heart rang loud, pupil grew wider, palms started to sweat, lips dried out, mouth ajar and body frozen. How many of you have experienced this state of yourself? Why? Is it always because of the love of your life? Fear begs to differ. Yes. Attraction could make your heart skip a beat, alte  കൂടുതൽ വായിക്കുക...
പ്രസിദ്ധീകരണ തിയതി May 31,2020 11:10 PM
A Glimpse
By Hina Beg in General Literary | വായിക്കുന്നു: 638 | ഇഷ്ടപ്പെടുന്നു: 3
Came across this - write your story here! What caught my attention is 'here' part, is the space enough, or is it that this is the moment - carpe diem!! As a psychotherapist, I am honored to be a part of many stories, each unique and amazing. It is not easy to share in general your heart out but with  കൂടുതൽ വായിക്കുക...
പ്രസിദ്ധീകരണ തിയതി Jun 5,2020 01:06 PM
By Suresh Kodoor in General Literary | വായിക്കുന്നു: 637 | ഇഷ്ടപ്പെടുന്നു: 0
It was a long day at office for Dian. She was feeling hungry and terribly exhausted. She had to miss her regular lunch break in the afternoon as she was too busy to step out and had to content with a piece of sandwich Liza brought her. No surprise, she was by now badly looking forward to the close o  കൂടുതൽ വായിക്കുക...
പ്രസിദ്ധീകരണ തിയതി Mar 23,2020 01:01 PM