Hard times
By Prathyusha in True Story | वाचलं गेलेलं: 574 | लाइक: 0
If there is a party,people come to your zone to celebrate and share happiness. At the same time,  If there is a problem, say 80% people comes to your zone to understand your problem and in that, 40% people are just curious of what is happening and they need only the information. 25% people  आणखी वाचा...
प्रकाशनाची तारीख Apr 3,2020 12:47 PM
By Apoorv Srivastava in Romance | वाचलं गेलेलं: 574 | लाइक: 0
कोई मुस्कुरा के गुज़रा था बगल से, चलो हटो मुझे जाने दो आज फिर उसके पैरों के निशाँ देखता हुँ, मैंने ईश्क को जिंदा दफना  आणखी वाचा...
प्रकाशनाची तारीख Apr 12,2020 02:39 PM
Those were the days
By Vaishnavee in General Literary | वाचलं गेलेलं: 574 | लाइक: 0
Those were the days…        In this era of modern world, where technology is ruling over our lives, I miss those days where even in truancy of it we were still smiling and happy. Playing games in mobile nowadays is imperishable habit, and we were the ones w  आणखी वाचा...
प्रकाशनाची तारीख Apr 26,2020 12:37 AM
Being a Homemaker - Chapter 1
By Gayathri S in True Story | वाचलं गेलेलं: 574 | लाइक: 0
"As I watched people complaining that they could not go outside and were being imprisoned at home, I couldn't help but wonder if I had actually quarantined myself for the past three years and so, life still seemed to be the same for me. Being a homemaker hasn't been easy, especially being a well ed  आणखी वाचा...
प्रकाशनाची तारीख May 6,2020 12:21 PM
Locked down
By Avinash Pandey in Thriller | वाचलं गेलेलं: 574 | लाइक: 1
"Wake up, it's 9 am!" Alexa reminded Avinash to get up. He opened his eyes, took a look around the room. The fan was running at its maximum capacity, the sun was out and even though the room had curtains, he could tell, it's really bright sunlight. He stopped the alarm on Alexa. Avinash let out a si  आणखी वाचा...
प्रकाशनाची तारीख May 20,2020 06:29 PM
The real unsung heroes
By Prajna paramita dey in True Story | वाचलं गेलेलं: 574 | लाइक: 1
THE REAL HEROES OF SOCIETY   Out of the huts of history's pride,  we rise up from a past  that's rooted in pain.  Still, the unsung warriors  remain untold. Today some of us overlook the great son of land. He may be a commonman, a warlock, a doctor... A soldier whose blood h  आणखी वाचा...
प्रकाशनाची तारीख Jun 7,2020 11:32 AM
The Dark Night
By Shubh Nagpal in Poetry | वाचलं गेलेलं: 574 | लाइक: 0
The Dark Night... The sleepless night, with my teddy my beside. The lights are closed and the king inside me is being exposed. The streets are empty, my words are imaginary. The dogs are barking, my dream is charming. Everyone is sleeping which my mind isn't believing. I am far from home maybe in Ro  आणखी वाचा...
प्रकाशनाची तारीख Jun 11,2020 10:13 PM
By muskan in General Literary | वाचलं गेलेलं: 574 | लाइक: 0
नजाने कहाँ छुपके रह गए वो पल जिनमें थे हज़ारो msg और ढेर सारी कॉल हाँ लोग नहीं रहते साथ हमेशा सुना था मैंने पर हमारी नाद  आणखी वाचा...
प्रकाशनाची तारीख Jun 13,2020 09:03 PM
A cry from the ashes
By Vidya Devadas Nair in Poetry | वाचलं गेलेलं: 574 | लाइक: 1
The fire in my heart, that you shun down by your vows, is now at peace, far away from friends, far away from foes, one more to add to the legacy of sorrow, as the saying goes. All I wanted from you is to listen, so that I could give life a chance, But you stood far away as a silent spectator, rejoi  आणखी वाचा...
प्रकाशनाची तारीख Jun 17,2020 02:26 PM
The transcendent nature of time
By IZEEN FATIMA in General Literary | वाचलं गेलेलं: 574 | लाइक: 0
The clock struck twelve. Ammi was washing the dishes and Bhaijaan was as usual busy with his assignments while I was trying to keep up with the pace of time. In easier words, I was trying to get hold of it, counting each of its tick and tock so that maybe there would be a chance of me catching the  आणखी वाचा...
प्रकाशनाची तारीख Jun 20,2020 01:50 AM
My 1990's in 2020
By Mitali Mittal in Romance | वाचलं गेलेलं: 574 | लाइक: 8
11:30 am, Sunday morning, I went to see him. No, it was not a date or something but his family sent a marriage proposal to my family. My family and I went to his home to see him. In my head I was clear that there is no boy made up for me who can fulfill all my wants and desires. We both were sent ou  आणखी वाचा...
प्रकाशनाची तारीख Aug 17,2020 12:33 PM
We All Bleed the Same.
By Shania in Poetry | वाचलं गेलेलं: 573 | लाइक: 0
Dig a dagger, deep into my chest I bleed in red, just like you. Hit me with sticks and stones I bruise in blue and black and the colour of the berries, just like you. I love children, people, food, places  just like you. If all this ties us together, how come you get privileges I don't? Ho  आणखी वाचा...
प्रकाशनाची तारीख Mar 25,2020 09:24 AM
By Shreeya Katyal in Poetry | वाचलं गेलेलं: 573 | लाइक: 10
The absence of light is not darkness! Actual darkness is the thought that light will never come again, Actual darkness is the devastating thought that after a loss there will never be a gain, Actual darkness is Loosing hopes forever, Thinking that dreams will materialize never! Actual darkness is w  आणखी वाचा...
प्रकाशनाची तारीख Apr 11,2020 01:10 AM
Can India really boycott China and Chinese goods ?
By Aditi in General Literary | वाचलं गेलेलं: 573 | लाइक: 0
In the wake of the novel coronavirus there is an enhanced outrage to boycott china and its products. A large number of people have stopped using Tik Tok,Club factory, SHAREit and other apps while others plan on buying Indian made phones. Some swear about not using fancy diyas,lights for Diwali and c  आणखी वाचा...
प्रकाशनाची तारीख Apr 16,2020 02:11 PM
Time travel
By dhana varshini in Poetry | वाचलं गेलेलं: 573 | लाइक: 1
2010 Everyone was constant  Expressed by emotions  Moments are just lived That's called happiness  2020 Everything is instant  Impressed by emoticons  Comments for insta live And that's named happiness   आणखी वाचा...
प्रकाशनाची तारीख Apr 16,2020 03:50 PM