By Wallace Jacob in True Story | Reads: 572 | Likes: 0
THE TRUTH At his wife’s insistence, Sunil was returning home after leaving his parents (Awadesh and Priya) at ‘SnehKutir’ – a home for the aged and orphans. He was feeling sad. He felt as if he had lost a battle. He never wanted to oust his parents from his house. In fact, hi  Read More...
Published on Apr 15,2020 05:50 PM
The burning nights
By Rajlakhmee Borah in General Literary | Reads: 572 | Likes: 0
It's a normal Monday morning and I wake up with somewhat laziness. Each day just repeats itself and I watch it do so. I often think will I ever go home? Or will I always be stranded? Stranded in a house with four walls that I have stared every night as I lay on my bed and thoughts swarm in. I feel l  Read More...
Published on Jun 6,2020 01:42 AM
By Reecha in True Story | Reads: 572 | Likes: 1
Here I am about to doze off after a long evening walk, have got to work out for a fitter body, a smarter me, it's that insecurity that coming of age brings. I lay myself to sleep calmly enjoying the sound of the stream waters gushing past my home, sensing a peaceful ending to one more day.  Nex  Read More...
Published on Jun 9,2020 12:26 AM
By muskan in General Literary | Reads: 572 | Likes: 0
नजाने कहाँ छुपके रह गए वो पल जिनमें थे हज़ारो msg और ढेर सारी कॉल हाँ लोग नहीं रहते साथ हमेशा सुना था मैंने पर हमारी नाद  Read More...
Published on Jun 13,2020 09:03 PM
By karthik tm in General Literary | Reads: 571 | Likes: 0
This first time Ardhu was caught with a guy alone,he was 3 years old. Among the various cuddly toys he had been gifted, the Oscar Wilde one was his favourite. An obsessive love.She saw him hug and kiss Wilde in a way any kid would, except that there was something, how can I describe it, indulge  Read More...
Published on Mar 24,2020 12:42 PM
We All Bleed the Same.
By Shania in Poetry | Reads: 571 | Likes: 0
Dig a dagger, deep into my chest I bleed in red, just like you. Hit me with sticks and stones I bruise in blue and black and the colour of the berries, just like you. I love children, people, food, places  just like you. If all this ties us together, how come you get privileges I don't? Ho  Read More...
Published on Mar 25,2020 09:24 AM
एक दुआ
By M Tasleem in Poetry | Reads: 571 | Likes: 0
तन्हा किनारा हूं कब से मुंतज़िर पानी बनके गुज़र जा ज़िन्दा कर दे मुझे तड़प तड़प कर खारा हो गया हूं अपने आगोश में ले ले मीठ  Read More...
Published on Mar 28,2020 02:10 PM
By Breath in True Story | Reads: 571 | Likes: 0
One upon a time, there was a princess. She grown-up in a blink of an eye. Did something in heat of the moment. Learnt a lesson. Started her life again. Survived. Healed. Still working on a better tomorrow. One day she will be at a place where she wanted to be.   Read More...
Published on Apr 7,2020 11:14 PM
Why People Die
By Shreeya Katyal in Poetry | Reads: 571 | Likes: 10
Why Selfishness and greed?Love and careIs all that people need.Man was made to live for others,He was made to look beyond himself,To love and care for people with whom this world he shares,For them,He was suppose to be always there.But today I, me, mine has taken place of yours and you,And that's th  Read More...
Published on Apr 11,2020 07:23 PM
By Raina in General Literary | Reads: 571 | Likes: 0
Dad’s first car didn’t have air conditioning. When it rained in the hills during the monsoons, the glass windows of the car turned into beautiful translucent canvases. I drew hearts on the condensed glass. Hearts and smileys and stars. As I grew up, dad bought more cars. They all had air  Read More...
Published on May 6,2020 10:23 PM
By Ruchira Garai in Poetry | Reads: 571 | Likes: 0
Hazel eyes, a crooked smile That was my every morning's sight Furtive glances, a crimson flush Blew away the webs of a dull summer night ; Once a night owl,  Now waited for the dawn, Tiptoeing to the terrace with a coffee mug Was the first task of my morn'.  The birds chirped, the clouds m  Read More...
Published on May 31,2020 10:16 AM
Sins or Lies
By freya freeman in True Story | Reads: 571 | Likes: 0
He was right on time.The counter was painted white and had some marvellous quotes doodled over.All the white tables and sea green chairs stood where it exactly have to be. Thoroughly brushed and swiped,the white marbles are spotless. There stood flowers in vases on all tables .The sea green laced iv  Read More...
Published on Jun 8,2020 08:56 PM
By Mitali Mittal in True Story | Reads: 571 | Likes: 5
Luck? No, I never believed that any such thing exist. All I used to believe in was hard work to get something, but around one year back luck hit me up like anything. Ya, I was lucky enough to have a lot of great teachers in my life, but one in particular shaped the person I am today: Miss Nidhi Gupt  Read More...
Published on Aug 12,2020 10:55 AM
Laughter is the best tonic
By Satya Sudhir in True Story | Reads: 570 | Likes: 0
In the words of Audrey Hepburn, “I love people who make me laugh, I honestly think it’s the thing I love to do the most” I could n’t agree more with her. I love to laugh too and just loooove people who make me laugh. In fact, I think it is the easiest way to my heart. I fall   Read More...
Published on Mar 22,2020 08:53 PM
Short Story: The Homeless By V.N.Giritharan : Translat
By Navaratnam Giritharan in General Literary | Reads: 570 | Likes: 0
(Published in the E- Magazine PATHIVUKAL dated May 2003. issue: 47) Saturday Night. The time was well past midnight. The region called Richmond/ Duncan Area which is the merry making and recreation locality in the downtown of Toronto city was still bustling with activities. In every corner there wa  Read More...
Published on Mar 24,2020 07:53 AM