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Andrew Tate The Last hope of Masculinity

Author Name: Mohammed Imran | Format: Paperback | Genre : Others | Other Details

Andrew Tate was a professional kickboxer and he is a Succesfull businessman with great success in life, this book is to put light on to subject that he is an idol to all men and he is the last hope of masculinity according to me. There are lot of negative thoughts about andrew tate. we should know half knowledge is dangerous. this book of mine is an effort to let everyone know how andrew tate is creating a change and upholding the Masculinity at these desperate times.



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Mohammed Imran

I am Mohammed Imran, I am author of book Understanding women is easy. Slef made entreprenuer and a computer science techy. I am excited to share my views through various blogs, content. I am a national Awardee for Best students motivational speaker 2022.

