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Demystifying Brahminism and Re-Inventing Hinduism - Volume 1 Demystifying Brahminism

Author Name: Satya Shri | Format: Hardcover | Genre : Religion & Spirituality | Other Details

‘Religion is a tool in the hands of the oppressor against the oppressed solely because he frames the commandments and calls them the God’s’, is an apt description of the Hindu social order.

The book rips open the raw nerve of Hinduism—its invidious castes, positioned as a ‘God-ordained’ institution, commandeered by its freebooter priestly class while clandestinely establishing its religious, social and political hegemony through interpolation of its pristine and effulgent scriptures.

The author boldly analyses this imbroglio through a microscopic analysis of these and more related issues:

How priests controlled the Hindu religious, social, educational and political apparatus?

How the dominant priestly class fractured the society into mutually antagonistic subordinated hierarchical segments, and ruled it by reserving all elite jobs for itself?

How the fiendish priesthood emasculated shudras by depriving them of the ‘shaastra and shastra’ (education and arms) and made them permanent ‘village servant classes’?

How the pretensions of attaining siddhis through 'meditation and penances' established priests as the ‘gods on earth’ for their assertions of ‘purity and effulgence’?

How ‘karma’, ‘reincarnation’ and ‘84-lakhs births’ theories were devised to justify fatalism and hierarchical gradation of varnas?

Can India be rightfully called the ‘vishvaguru’ and the mother of all civilisations?

How Buddhism effeminated Hindus and made them the doormats for the ruthless?

Why Hindus had to abandon their own, to adop foreign institutions of governance?

Why Hinduism should become a universal and proselytising faith and fight demographic challenges posed by Islam and Christianity?



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Satya Shri

SATYA SHRI: He is the founder of 'Ek Samaj', a religio-social organisation nurturing Hinduism as an organised religion with its 11 postulates emanating from 'Brahmajnana', deemed a scripture encapsulating true essence of the Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagvadgita, Ramayana, Mahabharata and various saints' treatises. It disseminates scripture in the vernacular to all, recognising no intermediary for communion with God, for which ‘nishkam sewa’ is ordained as the most divine path.

'Ek Samaj' worships the monotheistic formless Brahm in congregation as each member vows to adopt the 'five essentials' while treating the '13 excrescences' as repugnant to the faith. It recognises that lack of shaastra (scripture) and shastra (arms) among all caused invidious varna distinctions and prevented fostering of equality and brotherhood among its ranks. As it celebrates the 'annihilation of castes', it mandates five social obligations upon all in the service of the Lord so as to bestow a dignified life to self and future generations.



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