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DEV ANAND A Musical Flashback 2023 Centenary Celebrations

Author Name: Mike Rana | Format: Paperback | Genre : Others | Other Details

A lot has been said about the Bollywood (The Indian Hollywood) actor, director, writer and producer Dev Anand and much more is written in published books, sometimes even unauthentic. And more lies in the heads and hearts of the masses, the people who were lucky to have seen him on the screen. But for me, he was nothing short of a complete Gentleman. This book is worth buying and knowing everything worth knowing about this legendary gentleman.



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Mike Rana

Mike Rana a retired Group Captain from the Indian Air Force, an engineer with electrical, aeronautical, and computer engineering domains from the I I T Bombay is an expert on Electronic Warfare systems and plays on Piano Accordion, an instrument going into oblivion these days in India.

He has substantial knowledge of musical terms such as Melody, Rhythm, and Harmony. And here he tells us what good and not-so-good music is all about.

Mike Rana has received several awards from the Government of India, including a prestigious VSM[1], for work on projects for electronic warfare systems, large databases, and real-time embedded systems. 

[1] Vasishta Seva Medal (VSM)



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