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Emotional Intelligence and Its Association With Working Environmental Factors and Spiritual Intelligence Among Doctors

Author Name: Dr. Neong Shuet Ching, Dr. Zaleha MD Isa, Dr. Mohd Rizal Bin Abdul Manaf Format: eBook | Genre : Educational & Professional | Other Details

This book hones in on what exactly is Emotional Intelligence and the theories behind emotional intelligence. It talks about the impact of emotional intelligence on certain aspects such as burnout among doctors and how it can affect this. Then this book touches on the association of emotional intelligence with organisational culture, cultural awareness, cultural competence, and spiritual intelligence. It also touches on how non-modifiable factors such as sociodemographic factors affect emotional intelligence among doctors. It is useful and contains interesting materials for academic purposes and for enriching one’s knowledge. It brings homage to the fathers of Emotional Intelligence by quoting their works.

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Dr. Neong Shuet Ching, Dr. Zaleha MD Isa, Dr. Mohd Rizal Bin Abdul Manaf

Dr. Shuet Ching Neong is the Head of Quality Unit in Penang State Hospital and is a recognised Physician Administrator by MOH Malaysia, by Australasian College of Health Services Management and is recognised as International Fellow of Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management from the UK. She also holds a few memberships with the Public Health organisations in the UK. 

Professor Dr. Zaleha Md Isa graduated with a bachelors degree in science (honours) in clinical biochemistry from the National University of Malaysia in 1993 and completed a doctor of philosophy (public health) at the National University of Malaysia in 1999. She currently serves as a professor in the Department of Community Health, Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. She has published multiple high-impact scientific papers and books.

Dr. Mohd Rizal Abdul Manaf is a Professor and Public Health Consultant in the Department of Community Health, Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). He graduated with Medical Doctor Degree from UKM in 1994 and Master of Community Health (Hospital and Health Management) from UKM in 2001 and subsequently attained Doctor of Philosophy in Public Health in 2009. He was appointed as one of the committee members in reviewing health care reform and 1Care Technical Committee of Ministry of Health Malaysia at the National Level.