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Author Name: Amrit Aryan | Format: Paperback | Genre : Self-Help | Other Details

This book “ EXISTENCE “( SAT- CHIT- ANANDA) covers all the Eternal and Spiritual topics like Liberation ,Love, Self Realisation, Surrender, Mind , The Ultimate Reality, Rebellion, Suffering, Fearlessness, Ego, Death, God, Human Existence and life. These topics are the core spiritual topic and It is the essence of truth that is ever said by anyone, by any medium. Truth is one and eternal but it’s narration may vary from time to time and people to people. Every Enlightened being of the past have chosen their own ways to reach that Ultimate. After realising that, every Master has their own way of narration of the truth. So, whatever is being written in this book is not something new – these are the truth that is being known by hundreds of mystics in the past and also being narrated by them .This Ultimate reality will be kept realising by hundreds of people who will be coming ahead in this world. The truth is very old ,still It is very new and fresh for anyone who realises it in the present moment. Truth is not like a stagnant pool which is limited by it’s circumference and depth rather Truth is like ever flowing ocean which has ultimate depth and ever infinite boundary. So by this book, I have tried to indicate toward that ultimate reality so that everyone of  us could get the Enligtenment .The Ultimate Truth can't be explained in words but I have tried to do it as much as I can. Hope to see you in the journey of bliss and freedom.



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Amrit Aryan

" Amrit Aryan " - the superimposed name by which people use to call me. What can I say about myself ? What am I in reality can’t be said in words and What can be said in words is not my reality! “I” am not what you can see and What I am can't be seen as it is the matter of being not understanding. Then what can I write about myself? I don’t have any identity, beliefs, principles, morality, knowledge or any kind of attachment.. Hence nothing can be said about me! I have got the taste of that Ultimate Truth when I become free from all the superimposed identities and beliefs that was keeping me limited. The whole seeking of Spirituality is to find your real Self ,find your real source of existence and getting in tune with it. The core question of Spirituality itself is – Who am I? Now there is no answer of it as it is matter of inner awakening and experience. So whatever I may say about myself will be false and illusionary. I am just a simple human being , totally awake in my being and totally in tune with the whole of existence. If you want to know me, then first know yourself.Simply, You can treat me as the pure existence in human form for a momentary period of time! That’s it!


