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Galilee Of People Sea Of Nations

Author Name: Aryan Shashi Mishra | Format: Paperback | Genre : Poetry | Other Details

Galilee Of People is a collection of poems that represents mythological beliefs of different regions. The poet has tried to bring back the theme of our ancestors where they sang and wrote about the glory of their gods, their heroes myths, and magic. The beings that derived fear in them, entities they can not explain, and emotions they were not able to express in their daily lives, but by writing them down. Metaphors constitute an integral part of the book. The poet tries to re-create mythical beings and to represent some of our all-time classic favorites in a modern and metaphoric way which will help you relate to them and give you a chance to live their lives as you read.



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Aryan Shashi Mishra

Aryan Shashi Mishra is known for his work with metaphors and conveying stories of daily life and historic events. Often rhyming free verse is his signature genre. He creates an affect that makes the reader feel that they have dived into the setting of poem and are witnessing events unfold themselves or they are sitting next to the person narrating a a story. Aryan is a student from India and his previous works include "The Nights Eye" available worldwide.



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