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Life of a Soul Under the Shadow of Gita

Author Name: Ram Malik | Format: Hardcover | Genre : Religion & Spirituality | Other Details


· "LIFE OF A SOUL under the shadow of Gita,” is a powerful book, on the subjects of Spirituality, an underpinning of all religions and faiths. The book serves as a roadmap to direct our path and a moral code of conduct that holds together individuals, head and heart, intellect and emotions. 

· The human soul is “God miniaturized.” Souls’ conscious is to experience the Divine, and it is a part of you which never sleeps, never forgets and is eternal. The soul, in this profundity, has a likeliness and nearness to God. The soul is the energy of the universal love, wisdom, and compassion. Souls are an expression of beauty, imagination, and creativity. Rig Veda speaks of soul and God as two birds of beautiful wings, friends by nature who are perched on the same twigs of a tree.

· A human being is neither body nor living being but Almighty Himself. We are spiritual being with human experience and not human beings with spiritual experience. Body and soul, although as real as God, are dependent on God. 

· If you see the moon, you see the beauty of God: if you see the sun, you see the power of God; If you see the mirror, you see the best creation of God. We are the best creation of God. The human body created by God, in His own image and likeliness, is the jewel of creation and has the capacity to deliver the soul from the cycle of birth and death to a higher level of existence. If you install God’s image in the temple of your heart to keep His company all the time, so He does not to have to wait to visit you at times of need.



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Ram Malik

The author is an engineer by education, has been a student of Gita and studied Hindu EPICS, Hindu Mythology, Vedanta, Vedas, Upanishads, Mahapurana Srimad Bhagavatam and studied extensively about Human soul and its relationship with God and devoted time in learning and practicing spiritual tenets.

Through personal and interpersonal experience and study of various commentaries of Gita scholars like Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan; Swami Bhoomananda; Deepak Chopra, Aldous Huxley, Eckhart Tolle, Gary Zukav, Albert Einstein. Inspired by writings of these scholars with their power of mind, thinking and knowing guided me to put this spiritual book together.

These thinkers stated that the wealth of knowledge is the best of all wealth, especially, when it is Spiritual knowledge. The more this knowledge is spent the more it grows. By the grace of the Creator, the blessings of nature and the help of many of my friends, I pursued this course and have been able to pour it in this book. I could progress in this path steadily and I could end up defining God’s Grace in these words. It was mine God granted, conviction that once I had labored through this book, I will be granted joy and fulfilment of my effort.

