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Limiting Robots Development Factors

Author Name: John Lok | Format: Paperback | Genre : Business, Investing & Management | Other Details

 Nowadays, robotic had been applies to different aspect to bring benefits to satisfy humans needs, they may include any hospitals' surgeon rooms medical surgeon equipment aspect, hotel room food delivery or hotel front line customer service aspect, shopping center, leisure places cleaning task aspect, student educational service aspect, warehouse logistic goods transport delivery tasks aspect , even general restaurants kitchen cooking tasks aspect, lawyer and accountant firms general bookkeeping, law writing draft clerical tasks aspects etc. Can robotic invention help employers to improve efficiencies or raise productivities in order to raise economic growth or it can be replaced low-skillful workers to cause any low-skillful jobs are done by artificial robots to achieve many low skillful workers will lose jobs and unemployment ratio will be influenced to raise in our societies? Are above issues are the main influential factors to limit robots to continue develop,



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John Lok

    I had graduated business Administration Science Degree in Common Wealth Open University. Then, I concentrate on researching whether how economic changing environment can influence our behaviors, e.g. consumer behavior in behavioral economic view.    I had researched different behavioral economic topics included how artificial intelligence influences economic environment changes, how artificial intelligence influences consumer behaviors, how disease influences traveler leisure psychology, how economic changing environment influences public transport passenger choice, how e-commerce market influences consumer behavior etc. different books are published. I hoped my readers can make accurate analysis to learn how and why  the economic changing environment influences consumer behavior in behavioral economic view.



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