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Love Divine Depths of Love

Author Name: Shubham Panchal | Format: Paperback | Genre : Others | Other Details

Fallen in love, suffered a lot, wounded by life and inspired by nature's love He wrote the words of heart for his beloved revealing the secret upon which the world becomes your Jin , he just spent a little time and revealed the mysteries of love that can change the world.

"The real secret of attraction has made it possible for me to live happily so that I attract positive thoughts and create a positive atmosphere which at the end provides success for what we have desired."

Revealed the secret law of attraction, with its help he may regain his love again.



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Shubham N. Panchal, author of Love Divine, is his first creation as an author. Resident of Vadodara city of Gujarat , an 18 year old teen, studying and writing as affected by love and thought to write a book and found help at Poetry is what he enjoy to write. Inspired by nature and affected by heart the real poetry of love he reveals in his poems.

