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Author Name: Dr. Navdeep | Format: Paperback | Genre : Biographies & Autobiographies | Other Details

My 6 Mothers showcases the significance of all the women and motherly institutions who shaped and reshaped a boy named Navdeep into a smart, polished and an evidence based Medical Oncologist who loves treating Cancer patients with extreme passion and dedication.  He is a strong proponent of the fact that biological mothers should not get full credit in the making of an individual personality as a whole. In this short manuscript, he highlights the terrific influence of all the women who came across during his making of a Cancer doctor.



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Dr. Navdeep

Dr Navdeep is deeply indebted to all his 6 mothers for transforming a small boy who lived in a small city of Amritsar in a small home located in a small street into a highly passionate evidence based Cancer doctor who presently lives in a big city of Ludhiana and works in a big hospital, dreams big, dares big and above all is a big lover of Motherhood, Womanhood and Mankind at large.



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