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Phonics Phonee worksheet New Series (I) A Phonics Phonee worksheet New Series (I) A

Author Name: Sunita Thankappan | Format: Paperback | Genre : Educational & Professional | Other Details

Phonics Phonee worksheet New Series (I) A is specially designed for kids of 4 years and above.  It consists of more than 200 pages and with regular practice of each sheet the child will learn to read 2 letter and 3 letter words within 6 months of time.  Children will learn and understand, what is an Alphabet? What is Phonics? And what are Vowels & Consonants. On each page, practice sheet will help them to improve faster. 

(Teacher can use these worksheets to teach phonics for kids; worksheet for senior kg, grade 1)



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Sunita Thankappan

As a teacher, an author and entrepreneur, my passion lies in creating innovative solutions for kids and learners alike. Drawing from my own experiences and knowledge, I am dedicated to helping learners enhance their English language skills and work on their personalities.

