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Sitting Under a Torn Umbrella

Author Name: Barquat Ali Mondal | Format: Paperback | Genre : Poetry | Other Details

Man is for man - this is an old slogan today. It has lost its uniqueness for the cause of self-centred mentality. Now we cannot hear the chorus songs of unity. Rather the sound of cacophony always do disturb our hearing organ by imposing acute disparity. We don't fly the flag of harmony, uncompromising corrupted selfish hands try to disconnect the rope of the flying flag to take undue advantage. Human being lacks of humane quality. Strangulation of faith is seen here and there. We are losing hope day by day. The act of deflowering is an art. The dignity of woman is mercilessly crushing under the wheel of gender inequality. Filial piety sinks into the ocean of disbelief. Every moment we do feel pangs of neglect sitting under a torn umbrella.



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Barquat Ali Mondal

Barquat Ali Mondal is a retired English teacher turned poet and author, known for his captivating poetry that resonates with readers worldwide. Born with a deep love for literature and an innate talent for expressing emotions through words, Mondal embarked on his writing journey on the popular platform, Wattpad.
With an insatiable thirst to share his poetic creations and connect with a wider audience, Mondal joined Wattpad, where he poured his heart and soul into crafting verses that touch the essence of human experiences. His poems struck a chord with readers from various walks of life, receiving an overwhelming number of positive reviews and praise for their profoundness and heartfelt nature.

Fuelled by the encouragement and support he received from the Wattpad community, Mondal decided to take his passion for poetry to the next level. He ventured into the world of digital publishing, releasing three remarkable books on Wattpad, each showcasing his unique style and ability to delve into the depths of human emotions.

Now, with his much-anticipated debut published book, Mondal invites readers on a poetic journey that explores the intricacies of life, love, and the myriad of emotions that encompass the human experience. With a genuine desire to touch the hearts of his readers, Mondal's book promises to captivate and inspire all who embark on its pages.

Drawing from his extensive experience as an English teacher, Mondal weaves words together with a delicate touch, effortlessly painting vivid imagery and evoking powerful emotions through his verses. His words have the ability to transport readers to different realms, where they can find solace, understanding, and a deeper connection to the beauty of life.

Barquat Ali Mondal's debut published book is a testament to his unwavering dedication and passion for the art of poetry. With his unique perspective and profound insights, he hopes to leave a lasting impact on readers, igniting a love for poetry and inspiring them to embrace the power of words.
As Mondal embarks on this new chapter of his writing journey, he remains humble and grateful for the opportunity to share his creativity with the world. With his distinct voice and undeniable talent, Barquat Ali Mondal is a poet and author whose work will undoubtedly leave an indelible mark in the hearts and minds of those who have the privilege of diving into the pages of his debut book.

