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Super Women

Author Name: Shubhanjali Nishad | Format: Paperback | Genre : Poetry | Other Details

every co-author has beautifully decorated women's life on blank pages through their poems articles and stories. This book is based on the topic of feminism that how women do not break their dreams after marriage, do not forget to fly high on their sky. She performs her responsibilities well at home and outside. Today's woman is capable, she knows how to earn or stand on her feet, today's woman is at the forefront of everything.
This book is published under Notion Press and compiled by Shubhanjali Nishad.



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Shubhanjali Nishad

She is Shubhanjali Nishad and she is a compiler of this Anthology "Super Women" and she was born in 21 December and she hailing kanpur from uttar pradesh .her strength is writing she writes in every mood her hobbiess is to reading books to get more knowledge about makeing a rhymes in a poem or writing a poem stories or she likes travelling also to visit in new places.she passed out his graduation form csjm university .she work hard now a time for thier upcoming antology books. she participate in 500+ antology as a co author and she complied 2. ANTHOLOGY. her passion is writing and she penned a shayari poetries or articles with by heart becuase she knows very well imagionation of writers are better then thier dreams. Her poetry was also featured in  amar ujala kavyaa section .she is blessing of goddess krishna nd she beilves in karma with her through Gmail I'd and ig I'd - kanha_ki_laado.



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