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The Art Of Photography

Author Name: Santhosh Shandeep | Format: Paperback | Genre : Others | Other Details

the book is tell about fully knowing about photography ,like below some example a chapter, 

Documentation: Photography is widely used to document events, places, and objects for historical, scientific, or legal purposes. Photographs provide visual records that can be used to preserve memories, document scientific observations, or serve as evidence in legal proceedings.
Journalism and News Reporting: Photojournalists use photography to capture news events, human interest stories, and social issues for newspapers, magazines, online publications, and wire services. Photographs can convey powerful messages and evoke emotions, enhancing storytelling in journalism....

Advertising and Marketing: In advertising and marketing, photography is used to create visually appealing images that promote products, services, or brands. Commercial photographers work with businesses and advertising agencies to produce images for marketing campaigns, advertisements, product catalogs, and corporate branding.
Artistic Expression: Photography is a form of artistic expression, allowing photographers to convey emotions, ideas, and perspectives through visual imagery. Fine art photographers create images with aesthetic value, exploring themes, concepts, and personal interpretations of the world.....



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Santhosh Shandeep

He is publishing books through the internet, painting, poetry, writing screenplays and directing his talents for art.
Feel free to show off your skills, and on the computer. He keeps reading as a pastime, and sometimes writes a book with his thoughts on what he likes to read, and this book is one of them.

