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The Case of the Missing Pickles The Adventures of Gul

Author Name: Priyanka Mathur | Format: Paperback | Genre : Children & Young Adult | Other Details

Gul is a young gypsy girl, whose best friend is Piku, the Brazilian parrot. Together, they travel far and wide in search of excitement and adventure. Or in some cases, the excitement follows them! Want to know what happens on their travels? Then read on! Oh, but don’t forget to pack your map and travel shoes!



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Priyanka Mathur

Born in New Delhi, Priyanka Mathur was raised in a small town in Nigeria. However, her journey didn't end there. As time passed, Priyanka became a seasoned traveller, frequently moving cities and countries. Every experience opened her eyes to unique and beautiful worlds. And it is these experiences that have woven themselves into the fabric of her stories.

Priyanka first began writing short stories at the age of six, after discovering a liking for creative writing. This, coupled with her passion for art, encouraged her to pursue a BA in English Literature and a PG Diploma in Visual Communications. After working in the print media for some years, Priyanka decided to go back to school and study for an MBA in Marketing, post which she commenced a career in Marketing Communications.

Today, she divides her time between her family business and thinking up new adventures and characters for her next stories.



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