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The Jester of Genocide

Author Name: Akshat Pathak | Format: Paperback | Genre : Others | Other Details

This is the best suited photobook for fans of author Akshat S. Pathak as well as for those who are intrigued by The Joker Trilogy which has been written by him and available everywhere with hopes of reaching the right audience which the author deserves.

This book also consists of the sample chapter of all the three books of The Joker Trilogy along with the photos which would trigger more excitement and enjoyment towards those who have not yet heard of this book series and have not read any of its books either.



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Akshat Pathak

Akshat S. Pathak is a 17 year old, college student who has lived his whole life until now under the pillar of one day becoming the most successful author, poet and compilers all time. He ultimately wishes to reach his destination which is huge and tremendous and he had published his first book just at the age of 15 which is certainly a really big achievement.

In the future, he wishes to make a change in the society through the works he will write and his wish after he dies is to let people remember him by the books he will leave behind because the consequences in which he became an author were certainly challenging and he had never imagined that he would become a writer. This pure destiny had made him proud today and all he wants now is the respect he deserves for his hard work throughout his life. 

His very due message through this book is to reach out to all his fans who are eager to read more of his works and especially to those who haven’t yet read ‘The Joker Trilogy’ which is the base core of his writing. This book is purely an introduction to his first ever trilogy and aims to excite people to read this series which is close to his heart..

The last words he would always conclude in his life is that, when you truly believe in yourself then things really go the way you have always wanted them to..

Born: 17th February 2006



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