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The Tiny Lines

Author Name: Prem Naresh Chauhan | Format: Paperback | Genre : Poetry | Other Details
Our book which has beautiful thoughts, with our tiny lines that will help you bring a wide smile while you recollect and relate to each and every quote you read. There are usually five basic phases that overlap each other to make a good life such as Family, Love, Friendship, Self-motivation and Sad days. We have compiled a little bit of all for you and will definitely amaze you with our writing's.


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Prem Naresh Chauhan

PREM CHAUHAN aka "Mr. Creative " is pursuing Chartered Accountant, underground rapper and wanna be a writer since school days but these complied quotes are only Because of my life partner who day in and day out supported me and motivated me to get a book published. I myself just believe that " Only person who can find hidden talent in you, is the one who truly loves you". Special thanks to my family, Naresh Chauhan, Beena Chauhan, Ayushi Vora, Deep Chauhan.


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