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Author Name: Atharva Hanmalwar | Format: Paperback | Genre : Poetry | Other Details

These book consists of space theories, Stardust, nature , history of wars, empires , quotes , cities and many more;

You will see the dazzling elements related to Cosmos and space .
The life is related to college and student life.
There is the poems based on thousands of emotions;
You can correlate the poem with your daily life and college life of youngsters;

The book consists of soldiers poem too having inspiration for the sake of country and nationalism spirit;
Having poems related to winter, autumn and shades of seasons;

With kingdoms, connections , world war , Titan and lot more too read;

Heal yourself
Just relax , heal yourself first,
No need to panic or destroy yourself by overthinking,
Just close your eyes, and listen to the inner soul of your universe,
The soul will tell you make perfect move,
To be a good future ;



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Atharva Hanmalwar

Atharvahanmalwar is from Chandrapur, Maharashtra. He is poet, writer and storyteller. He had created stories.
He is basically passionate towards rap music. He has recently published his 1st debut book " A star is reborn". These is a special book consists of various new elements of life and revolution in society.
He dedicated his book to his father and Mother.
Without there support the book can't be finished.
The most supportable people and entire family made equal contribution of my life.
So I dedicate these book to my family.
And special thanks to my mom, who always with me as friend to complete the book.
These book consists of journey of seasons,

You have to move forward from obsession in life to further.
These book consists of language of fire which express through poetry to change the society;
Life is never on smooth sail and sometimes it goes tough you have to move further.

It consists of various war, college life and day to day goes in life.

He is further coming with again new poem and novel which consists of new shades on life.



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