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Toad Tragedy

Author Name: Manmohan Singh Taunk | Format: Paperback | Genre : Poetry | Other Details

In Toad Tragedy, Manmohan Singh Taunk has created an illusionary Toad land where all toads live in peace and harmony along with their benevolent and mighty king. Toad Tragedy is a collection of some poems written over expanse span of more than 20 years.



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Manmohan Singh Taunk

After having completed his post-graduation in Botany from Jabalpur University, Manmohan Singh Taunk worked as a science teacher in Bhutan, where he was conferred with the Royal Civil Service Award in 2012 in appreciation of his services. It is in Bhutan that he got the inspiration to write most of the poems .Now retired, he spends most of his time reading and writing.



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