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Tryst With My Reminiscences A Memoir

Author Name: Ramachandran Gopalakrishnan | Format: Paperback | Genre : Biographies & Autobiographies | Other Details

I had been thinking about writing the journey of my long life for some time now. The initial trigger came from Saumya, my elder daughter, decades ago, but has been getting deferred due to some reason or other. This story of my life is not an autobiography but a narrative on the various events of my life. I am neither a celebrity nor a political entity, needing to preserve an identity for posterity, but the intention is just to write the story for the consumption of the kin and some close friends in my professional work. I am grateful to GOD Almighty, my parents, dear wife Uma, my dear brothers and sisters, and my many friends and colleagues who have been there for me all along my journey and contributed to who I am. I am also thankful to my dear brothers and sisters for their valuable contributions towards this book. I dedicate this book to the memory of my late and dear Amma who now exists in my memories.

-         Gopalakrishnan

"The idea behind publishing this book is to provide the generations that follow a peek into the past - namely our Father's past experience from his childhood, his education, employment and also recollections and stories of our Grandparents, Uncles and Aunts so that they can cherish and appreciate their journeys.

Since the contents have been edited by us for conciseness and brevity, while maintaining his language and words, it is possible that inadvertently, some important stories and relationships may have been inadvertently omitted by us. If so, we ask for your forgiveness, but we hope that these stories trigger some memories."

-         Saumya and Sunanda

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Ramachandran Gopalakrishnan

Gopalakrishnan is an elderly gentleman in his mid-80s, having daughters and grandchildren. He has an Engineering degree from BITS Pilani and a post graduate certification in Nuclear Reactor Engineering from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. Gopalakrishnan moved from being a Nuclear Engineer to marketing and business development and has had a good track record in the same. He was recently awarded a Recognition Certificate for 32 years of productive business development by Chemetics Inc, Canada. Gopalakrishnan also loves classical Carnatic music and encourages youngsters in developing this talent further. Healthwise, he has suffered a lot with over 22 surgeries and with each visitation his strength to fight becomes stronger. He believes in the simple gospel “Never say anything what you do not want to hear, and never do anything to others what you not want get done to you.” 



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