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Vedic Anatomy

Author Name: Chockalingam Pragasam | Format: Paperback | Genre : Religion & Spirituality | Other Details

The ancient Indians first loved earth, water, air, fire, and sky called Pancha Boothas of nature. It was considered a WAY OF LIFE for them. Over time hundreds of idols and deities were created through Vedic texts. Along with Mahabharata and Ramayana, thousands of mythological stories were created. Who are these idols and deities? What are they? Are they gods or something else? What do they want to say?

Every part of the human body is considered as a god or deity and the function of that part is created as a mythological story. These include Ramayana and Mahabharata.

Every human being is a bundle of gods when every human part is personified and worshiped as a god. When the gods themselves respect the gods. Let people respect people.

Everyone knows the story of Savitri fighting with Yama and saving her husband Sathyavan's life. How many people know that Sathyavan means saaththiya + vanam = womb and Savitri means sa + viththu + thri = umbilical cord, which is an allegory of fetal blood circulation.

Sati, known in Tamil as Udan Kattai Eruthal, what is the point of flowers and forehead mark (Kumkum) for those who have lost their husbands? This book explains many such stories here.

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Chockalingam Pragasam

The book's author is a chartered accountant who decided to help his daughter write a paper on the Indus Valley Civilization discovered in 1920. This attracted his attention to explore the path of this civilization. He compared it with the present state of Indian caste, creed, religion, art, culture, and traditional traditions. He understood that the wrong understanding of the Vedic texts was the reason for many of the bad conditions of the society. He tries to remove this mistake through this book. 



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