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Why Does Zakir Naik Defend Yazid The Terrorist ?

Author Name: Muhammad Abul Kalam Azad | Format: Paperback | Genre : Others | Other Details

Imam Hussain stands for Justice, Liberation and Brotherhood and Yazid stands for Evil, Despotism and Terrorism. There is no second opinion regarding it. Non-Muslim big guns like Nelson Mandela, Charles Dickens, Thomas Carlyle, Mahatma Gandhi and countless others deem him to be role model in the journey of struggle against oppression. But Saudi Monarchy, One Of The Three Pioneers  Modern Terrorism With USA and Israel being the other two, and The Preachers patronized by them across the globe love and glorify Yazid The Terrorist. Dr. Jakir Naik, the most smartly marketed freemason by Saudi Regime has gone to the extent of lying in the name Of The Holy prophet Peace Be Upon Him in order to prove Yazid The Terrorist to be Jannati. In this book all the arguments presented by Mr Naik in support of Yazid The Terrorist has been refuted by the author and Yazid's True Character has been presented. 



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Muhammad Abul Kalam Azad

Mufti Abul Kalam Azad is a Sunni-Sufi Scholar and hardcore critic of terrorism. He is a teacher as well as prolific writer. He was born on 26 December 1973 at a village  named Babla in Malda District Of West Bengal. He completed Master Degree in English Literature from North Bengal University in his own province.   Being ignorant about Islamic Theology In his tender age the author was deeply influenced  by Marxism, Atheism and  Wahabism.  However he  started studying Islamic Theology after having completed His P.G. He did Ifta from Darool Uloom Aswiya Mission under the supervision  of  noted  Islamic Scholar Dr. Shakil Ahmad Aswi. The writings of Great Islamic Theologists like Imam Gazzali, Shah Waliullah Muhaddis Dehlawi, Mujaddid Alfisani, Shaikh Siddik Gumus, Prof. Masud Ahmad, Shaykh Hafez Imam Ahmad Raza Khan Brelvi  exerted tremendous impact upon him and helped him to great extent to return to  the mainstream Islam. Now he is working to spread Islam’s sweet message of peace and love across the globe. 



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