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Writing With Fire

Author Name: Subhamayee Sarangi | Format: Paperback | Genre : Poetry | Other Details

Writing with fire is compiled by Subhamayee Sarangi, who believes in promises and stays on her given words. All are talented, there is love, anger and pride in the world. All the thoughts that are hidden take the trumpet through poems , articles , stories. It's her 3rd book as a compiler. Many writers has spared their time to contribute to this anthology with their short poems , stories to make it more attractive
Hope our readers will like the compositions.

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Subhamayee Sarangi

Subhamayee Sarangi is 22 years old girl , residing in Odisha state ( silk city Berhampur ), she got all her education from here since childhood .she is a graduate student , also a basketball player, painter, sketcher, but behind her style , attitude she loves to read and a writer with soft heart , she is very sensitive , she mostly writes shyari, poems , stories in Odia, Hindi and English trio languages . She likes to helping the people in need simultaneously . She compiled 2 anthologies till now .and a cooperative co-author for more than 20books  . One solo book is MAA MORO SWAPNA MAA MORO DHARMA ( in Odia language ) .
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