silent dreams
By J Abraham in Supernatural | Reads: 6,672 | Likes: 22
Journalism was always my dream. From a young age, I found solace in writing. I wrote everything down: interactions with my crushes, stories I made up, a story about the bird building a nest on my window sill. I have retold fables about donkeys and jackals turning blue, I have written think pieces fo  Read More...
Published on Jul 11,2022 12:01 AM
Not A Fairytale
By Plabi Pradhan in Romance | Reads: 6,633 | Likes: 6
December 12, 2021 And after years, the sleep had come to my eyes in a usual way, that way which it was taking in an unusual manner from all these years.Not for physical contact but I was dying to sleep within his arms, within his wide chest, for I had found my comfort without touching him; from dist  Read More...
Published on Jul 11,2022 12:01 AM
when i met her finally
By Devanshu Panwar in Romance | Reads: 4,078 | Likes: 6
The first time I saw her was in 2012. I was doing Bachelors in History from D.A.V. College in Dehradun. My classes were over and I was walking back to the Vikram stand at Buddha Chowk. Vikram was an affordable three-wheeler public transport that was painted in blue to differentiate it from Auto whic  Read More...
Published on Jul 10,2022 11:59 PM
It all happened within a week
By anushka in True Story | Reads: 8,508 | Likes: 195
                                                                      If someone asked me a synonym for attachment, I'd say,   Read More...
Published on Jul 10,2022 11:58 PM
The wall between us
By Jaanya Vijh in Crime Thriller | Reads: 6,850 | Likes: 36
Sitting in the corner, shielding myself from the cool January air, I hold my tattered-up blanket close to my chest. I lived in a small room. I don't know where, or with how many other people. The only other person I saw was Ella. The woman who came to take care of me. And by that, I don't mean provi  Read More...
Published on Jul 10,2022 11:54 PM
By Apar Singh in Life Journey | Reads: 5,533 | Likes: 4
When did you last laid back and look up at the sky? When did you last felt at peace and did nothing? The best things in life are free, and the best feelings are inexplicable. But, in a complex web of society we humans create and blend in, complications cannot be ruled out anyway. We thrive on dilemm  Read More...
Published on Jul 10,2022 11:41 PM
By aastha.sneha.pathak in Life Journey | Reads: 6,320 | Likes: 12
The winter was unforgiving. My toes were frost bitten on most nights; the sleeping bag was not enough in the icy winds of the mountains. The tents had fire heaters, but the wood was a precious resource. We slept huddled together inside the tents, all the trainees. The superiors obviously got to stay  Read More...
Published on Jul 10,2022 11:32 PM
By Tarun in Science Fiction | Reads: 6,291 | Likes: 24
May 1,  6 am Yamuna vihar,Florence society , Block C  ,Flat no.303 As the clock hit 6 , mr vasudev  woke up as per his daily routine , sat straight and was about to stretch his hands  when suddenly he remembered the sweet threat of his betterhalf which forbid him from waking up  Read More...
Published on Jul 10,2022 11:32 PM
A Tale of 3 Best Friends :
By Benjamin Taylor in Humour | Reads: 7,641 | Likes: 3
                                                       A TALE of 3 Best - FRIENDS :-                     &n  Read More...
Published on Jul 10,2022 11:32 PM
By shilpa17french in True Story | Reads: 6,118 | Likes: 13
Published on Jul 10,2022 11:20 PM
The biggest news of my life
By chinu.mohanty in True Story | Reads: 4,481 | Likes: 9
Trin…trin…trin… a pair of sleepy eyes propped from the plushy blanket on a rainy weather. The alarm clock never wanted to be quiet, and for heaven’s sake who keeps alarm on a Saturday morning, with this question I looked around and to my surprise I did find “the&rdqu  Read More...
Published on Jul 10,2022 11:05 PM
Light of a Million suns
By Drsrilakshmi in Women's Fiction | Reads: 4,532 | Likes: 0
“A child goes missing every eight minutes in India- Help every missing child reach his own home, or, if not possible, at least a good home” screamed out the slogan  from the banner that Raji had laid out across the coffe table in her friend Sujitha’s house. “Don’t   Read More...
Published on Jul 10,2022 10:45 PM
An Ocean of Grief
By anvithabhat2020 in Horror | Reads: 5,084 | Likes: 8
Showing others the path of the light is my job. I do not remember my life before I became a guide to the lost. But I am sure that it was meaningful. Every moment of my life has led up to the one I am currently living in, and I am grateful to all the moments - even the lost and forgotten ones - for i  Read More...
Published on Jul 10,2022 10:44 PM
Dear Diary
By anvithabhat2020 in Horror | Reads: 3,553 | Likes: 2
Dear Diary, 28th June, 2022. It’s been a while since I’ve written anything but that has been because of how well I’ve been doing. It feels awful to even think about it like that - given how much my neighbours have been suffering in the past month. With all the murders… Mom c  Read More...
Published on Jul 10,2022 10:38 PM
By Sudarsan S in Life Journey | Reads: 4,404 | Likes: 22
The only thing that would have been more incongruous than Rohit exiting his premium brand SUV in the parking area of a government hospital intended for low-income group citizens would have been a lion eating popcorn while watching a movie in a theatre. He was confused at first at the lack of paralle  Read More...
Published on Jul 10,2022 10:37 PM